
【封面上的花】此花名虞美人,属于罂粟科(poppy),借自借自拉丁语 papaver, 罂粟花。植物名。草本,一年或二年生,初夏開花,莖細長,葉羽狀分裂,花單生,花瓣略呈圓形,色艷,有紫紅、洋紅、粉紅等,蒴果球形,供觀賞。
deca-=ten表示“十”, 来自希腊语。ten来自古英语。
1. I have nine dolls in the bedroom. 我的卧室里有九个布娃娃.
2. You' ll be fined if you spit on the streets.你如果在街上吐痰,要遭罚款.
3.Every weekend, we dine at a nice little restaurant in theneighbourhood.每个周末,我们在附近一家别致的小餐馆进餐.
We're dining theambassador this week. 我们本星期宴请大使.
4.Sign your name on the dotted line. 请在虚线上签名.
5.The inspector went down the mine. 监察员已下到矿井里了.
6.It's a noted place for its pine tree and springs. 这是一个以松树和泉水着称的地方.
7.There's too much shine on the seat of these oldtrousers. 这条裤子臀部磨得太亮了.
8.He took the ninth position in his class of forty. 他在四十个人的班级里排第九名.
9.There are nineteen students in my class.我班里有十九个学生.
10.He was born in the ninetiesof the nineteen century.他生于十九世纪九十年代.
11.Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation while he was in his teens.比尔·盖茨在他十几岁时创建了微软公司.
12.It is not easy to educate teenagers.教育青少年不是件容易的事.
13.Ten to one it will rain tomorrow.明天十有八九会下雨.
14.Leaving the elevator on the tenthfloor, they stepped into the windowless anteroom.走出十楼的电梯间,他们走进了那间没窗子的接待室.
15.It is more than a decadesince I last saw autumn in the North. 不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了.
16.My little daughter was born in December.我的小女儿是十二月出生的.
17.The base of a system of numbers, such as 2 inthe binary system and 10 in the decimalsystem.基数数字系统的基数,如二是二进制的基数,十是十进制的基数.
One yard is nearly 10 decimeter in length.一码约等于十分米长.