Life Awaits《You》
Everyday music

It was you who picked me up. It was you who broke me down
——Life Awaits《You》
歌者:Life Awaits
词曲:Life Awaits
流派: 另类

It feels like I have been in this place before
A ghost of all my dreams is knocking on my door
And I don’t remember anything but the sadness in your eyes
If only I could dream again, I would dream of you
It was you who picked me up
It was you who broke me down
Cause I am fading away and I can’t see myself
Until I decay
Cause it’s more than I can take
So bury me with a hollow crown, before that I can hear a sound
You took a part of me
I know it won’t be found
It feels like I have been through it all before
You whisper like a dagger, cutting deeper on my sore
I’m just tired of you being tired of me and everything you ignored
If I could only dream again, will I dream of you?
It was you who picked me up
It was you who broke me down
Cause I am fading away and I can’t see myself
Until I decay
Cause it’s more than I can take
So bury me with a hollow crown, before that I can hear a sound
You took a part of me
I know it won’t be found
It was you who picked me up
It was you who broke me down

今天分享一首来自Life Awaits(往生乐队)的《You》。
Life Awaits乐队于2015年5月在北京成立,4个月之后,他们发布了第一首单曲《In Descent》,引起了诸多关注。虽然是一支全新的乐队,但乐队中的每一个乐手都拥有丰富的演出经验,各种大大小小的音乐节,甚至连Summer Sonic的舞台中都可以看到他们的身影。他们也被乐迷赞誉为“国内最高水平最具国际化的乐队”。
有人觉得他们走的风格比较核,但实际,他们并不是纯核的乐队,小E倒觉得有几分林肯公园的感觉。主唱白羽在采访时也表示:“坦白说,我们应该不算是真正意义上的Melodic Hardcore. 但确实受了很多这类风格乐队的影响。主要是在歌词以及音乐整体的情绪表达上。我个人认为内容大于形式的东西往往更能打动人。我们不能保证每首作品都那么好听,但是它的内容一定是真诚的。”
他们与洛杉矶的Famined Records公司签约,但总部位于中国,在采访中他们也表示希望他们的歌迷永远记得他们是中国的乐队。
It was you who picked me up
It was you who broke me down