雅思口语 | Part1考题:Sky
1 count the millions of stars above 数头顶上数以百万计的星星
Well, I'm really into watching the sky especially at night to count the millions of stars above. 我超级喜欢在晚上看看天空,数头顶上数以百万计的星星。
2 lay down on the grass 躺在草地上
When I was a little girl, I sometimes laid down on the grass to enjoy the shining stars. 我小时候有时会躺在草地上看看闪亮的星星。
3 clean and clear sky 清澈干净的天空
Since there's not so much industrial pollution, the sky is always clean and clear. 因为没什么工业污染,所以天空非常清澈干净。
4 astronomy 天文学
I've taken a course about astronomy which has opened my eyes.我学习了天文学课程,这个课程让我开阔了眼界。
5 constellation 星座,星群
If you are in dark skies, you can see rich star fields with your binoculars in and around thisconstellation. 如果你在黑暗的天空下用你的望远镜就能看到星座周围的极多的星星。
6 looked upwards 向上看
By habit, he looked upwards and saw Orion, the Big Dipper and the Pole Star, twinkling in the autumn sky. 习惯地,他往上看去,看到了猎户星座、北斗七星和北极星在秋季天穹下熠熠发光。
7 nebula 星云
A nebula is a universe in the making.
8 galaxy 星系
The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.