






八、反思维可以改变疾病存在。根据生命力量方程式来确认自己的愿景目标,做一个快乐农夫,自种自收也很惬意。人类百分之七十的心因性疾病不是药物没用, 而是心堵产生身堵, 所以只能用修心来解决问题。





Say good words, do good deeds, be good people, the biggest benefit is yours.

《Chapter 40 of Tao Te Ching sharing and blessing of balance month》 serial 28

The following is the enlightenment experience derived from Chapter 40 of 《Return is how Tao moves》:

8. Reverse thinking can change the existence of disease. Determine your goals according to the Life Power Equation, and be a happy farmer. It's pleasant to reap what you sow. Seventy percent of human psychogenetic disease are not because the drugs don't work, but because the heart is blocked, then it causes the body blocks. So we can only use the heart to solve the problem.

9. If you don't understand 'compassion, gratitude, tolerance and awe' and don't cherish these four words, it will be difficult for you to achieve great success and be happy even if you have gold and silver mountains and are surrounded by many friends. The earth is a circular movement, life is a circular movement, language is a circular movement, the beginning is the end. Say good words, do good deeds, be good people, the biggest benefit is yours.

10. Disaster will strike at any moment in life. If encountered, we can only steadily to face and accept it, and then use our wisdom to resolve it!

11. True friends are 'useless'. We make friends not because they are useful, not because we want to use them. This “useless”, is not for benefit use. If we make friends for benefit, when use up, friendship will come to an end; to make friends for power is the same; only by making friends for the Dao can endure forever. Any relationship based on utilitarian purposes will not stand the test, nor will it last.

12.People must realize the truth of the Dao in doing things. If you do nothing, the world will not know what you are. Everyone's behavior is their own name card, doing things is to introduce themselves to the world. All of us are telling the world 'what kind of person I am.'

编辑整理:道德经学用 | 星火编辑组


微信号|zhongmiao shenghuo



