The Spring Festival
春节有望成美国官方节日 决议案已获参院通过,华裔议员提出“国会官方认可农历新年”决议案,已获参院通过春节有望成美官方节日我们经常看到美国亚裔庆祝农历新年(春节)的火热场景,但是,这一传统佳节竟然一直尚未获得官方承认?近日,这一局面有望打破。纽约华裔联邦国会众议员孟昭文早先提出了“国会官方认可农历新年”决议案,日前已获得参议院通过,决议案正在等待众议院的投票表决。记者注意到,在孟昭文、参院提案发起人寇恩斯的官方页面上已经公布了这一消息。
The American Spring Festival
The extension of Chinese traditional festival Spring Festival in the United States affects the development of the formation of the holiday
Chinese name
Spring Festival
The English name
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is expected to be into the official holiday in the United States has been approved by a senate resolution, Chinese lawmakers proposed resolution 'congress authorized the lunar New Year', has won the senate by the Spring Festival is expected to be into the official holiday we often see Asian americans celebrate the lunar New Year (Spring Festival), the hot scene, however, the traditional festival has been unexpectedly has not yet received official admission? These days, that situation is expected to break. Meng Zhaowen, a Chinese American congressmen from New York, proposed the resolution 'Congress officially recognizes the Lunar New Year', which has been passed by the Senate and is awaiting a vote in the House of Representatives. Reporters noted that the news has been announced on the official pages of Meng Zhaowen and the sponsor of the Senate bill, Koens.