Tasting the film with body and heart--set your mind free



Big Fish & Chinese Flowering Crabapple


Tasting the film with body and heart and set your mind free.


I don’t know how you feel when you read this article that maybe touch you, resist you, or make you feel something else. All these feelings are normal, but only remember to take care of yourself. Here I share my inner voice with you, and your opinions are also welcomed. Every voice is deserved to be appreciated and respected. Now, it’s up to you to decide whether you will go on reading it or not.


At the beginning, there is an opening title saying that Welcome to our dreamland. Silence reigns all over and comes with the old crabapple’s narratage---Who are we? Where are we from? Where will we go? A throng of huge whales cruise through the horizontal merging of the sky and sea.



Death and Immortal. As the saying goes, death gives us an opportunity to re-experience the life by exchanging our body, for instance, you can choose to be a bird or a tree or some other different creatures. In the firm, grandma turns into a phoenix while grandpa turns into a huge crabapple tree. The love among the grandpa, the grandma and the grandchild will last forever, without being influenced by its form. In the primitive tribe, people embrace the dead with love and send him to the eternity gate with envy.



Dolphin and the other civilizations. In the film, the sky of the crabapple’s world mingles with the seafloor of the earth. People from the other world incarnate into dolphins and come to the earth traversing the sea. There is a saying: Dolphin, the recorder of wisdom, is the courier for our communication with the other civilizations. They come to the deep sea with the memory of the ancient civilizations waiting to be presented to the humans till the right time.



Love and Freedom. The scene in the ending shows that crabapple stretches his hands to the amnesiac big fish, which imply that they will start their new unknown life with love and blessing from Qiu. Someone may complain about the sacrifice of love and the vulgar triangle love. I just want to share my idea: Yes, we can live well when we are loved by others, which is the utmost respect for ourselves, for Qiu and love. In the film, Qiu loves crabapple in sacrificial way, and crabapple loves the big fish with a heart of gratitude. In our life, love could be the companion for whole life, and could also be letting it go. But no one is better than the other, just feel free to love and define love.



Human Collective Subconscious. It has been four hours since I started watching this film, but all the cells in my body are still trembling because of excitement and enjoyment...... Maybe this is the touch from the triggered collective subconscious which record the our life from generation to generation. As the director said, “The soul of human comes from a fabulous homeland where only exist pure and beauty. Then the soul steps into the world and boards in a doughnut after wandering so long, leaving everything behind. However, when the soul comes across the beauty again, it will be affected spontaneously. The familiar pure and beauty which come form its homeland bring all the good memory back.


We ought to think about these ideas instead of judging them. Do there have any influence on you? Still have a fear of death? Getting better about losing someone forever? Living a more peaceful life? Having more affection, hope, courage, understand and forgive? Starting to see this world with curiosity and mercy? Nourishing you life or not?



In a word, the film itself is not important, only what you learned form it matters. What really important for us is to learn how to nourish our current life from the past experiences.

Thanks for your reading! Enjoy your life!

本月共读《Zero to One》英文版


☞ 作者:陈泳静,心理咨询师,萨提亚模式治疗师,EFT治疗师,师从安娜玛丽罗博士学习萨提亚转化式系统治疗师专业国际认证课程,师从宝拉贺伦博士学习EFT情绪释放技术,累计专业受训及个人成长600多个小时。

