Digestive Diseases and Sciences,一个影响因子为2.937的期刊,非OA期刊,也就是不需要给版面的期刊,非常适合没有经费的小伙伴。但是这个期刊有一个缺点就是审稿周期非常长,一年半载是常见的情况,如果是急着毕业或者评职称的话,投这个期刊就不太好,适合不急着要文章的小伙伴。
Aims and Scope
Digestive Diseases and Sciences publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, original papers addressing aspects of basic/translational and clinical research in gastroenterology, hepatology, and related fields. This well-illustrated journal features comprehensive coverage of basic pathophysiology, new technological advances, and clinical breakthroughs; insights from prominent academicians and practitioners concerning new scientific developments and practical medical issues; and discussions focusing on the latest changes in local and worldwide social, economic, and governmental policies that affect the delivery of care within the disciplines of gastroenterology and hepatology.
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