
A man whose thought-emotion is based on faith, and so on belief, must of necessity be unbalanced, for his belief is merely a wish-fulfilment.
When people say that they believe in reincarnation, in immortality, in God, these are but emotional cravings which to them become objectified concepts and facts.
They can discover actuality only when they have understood and dissolved the process of ignorance.
When one says, 'I believe', one limits thought, and turns belief into a pattern according to which one guides and conducts one's life, thus allowing the mind-heart to become narrow, crystallized, and incapable of adjustment to life and reality.
With most people, belief becomes merely an escape from the conflict and confusion of life.
Belief must not be confused with intuition, and intuition is not wishfulfilment.
Belief, as I have tried to point out, is based on escape, on frustration, on limitation, and this very belief prevents the mind-heart from dissolving its own self-created ignorance.
So each one has the capacity, the power, to be either sane, balanced, or otherwise.
To discover whether one is balanced, one must start negatively, not with assertions, dogmas and beliefs.
If one can think profoundly, then one will become aware of the extraordinary beauty of intelligent completeness.
Talk 2, Ojai, California, 12 April 1936
Talk 2,加利福尼亚州Ojai,1936年4月12日