


Recalibrating global data center energy-use  estimates - 2




As demand for data centers rises, energy efficiency improvements to the IT devices and cooling systems they house can keep energy use in check


The data leveraged here facilitate a more technology-richand temporally consistent approach than was available previously. Since 2011,analysts at Cisco have published data and outlooks for worldwide server stocks,data center workloads, server virtualization levels, and storage estimates fortraditional, cloud, and, most recently, hyperscale data centers (1). In aseries of reports starting in 2016, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory haspublished energy trend analyses of servers, storage devices, and networkdevices commonly used within data centers (8, 11, 13). Analysts have documentedthe numbers and locations of hyperscale data centers that represent asubstantial fraction of global data center compute instances, and major datacenter operators are increasingly reporting their PUE (14).

将这些数据集成到一个自下而上的模型框架中后,结果表明,尽管自2010年以来全球数据中心的能耗略有增加,但能耗的增长与同期数据中心计算实例的增长已基本解耦(见图2的第2部分)。此外,这些新数据提供的精确视图表明,2010年全球数据中心的能耗约为194 TWh,略低于2010年自下而上研究的评估值下限(203 TWh),而当时可用数据较少[9]。

When integrated into a bottom-up modeling frame-work,these data suggest that, although global data center energy has increasedslightly since 2010, growth in energy use has been substantially de-coupledfrom growth in data center compute instances over the same time period (see thesecond figure, second graph). Moreover, the refined view provided by these newdata suggests that global data center energy use in 2010 was around 194 TWh,slightly less than the lower-bound estimate in the 2010 bottom-up study (203TWh) when fewer data were available[9].


In 2018, we estimated that global data center energy userose to 205 TWh, or around 1% of global electricity consumption. Thisrepresents a 6% increase compared with 2010, whereas global data center computeinstances increased by 550% over the same time period. Expressed as energy useper compute instance, the energy intensity of global data centers has decreasedby 20% annually since 2010, a notable improvement compared with recent annualefficiency gains in other major demand sectors (e.g., aviation and industry),which are an order of magnitude lower (12).

新的综合数据阐明了一些关键的技术和结构趋势,有助于解释这些大幅度的能源强度改善(见图2第2部分)。服务器效率提高和服务器虚拟化(减少了每个计算实例所需的服务器耗电量)的结合使计算实例增加了6倍,而全球服务器能耗仅增加了25%,存储驱动效率和密度的提高使存储容量增加了25倍,而全球存储能耗仅增加了3倍。向更快、更节能的端口技术转变已使数据中心IP流量增加了10倍,而网络设备的能耗仅略有增加。总而言之,尽管IT设备(服务器,存储和网络)的总体能耗已从2010年的约92 TWh增加到2018年的约130 TWh,技术和运营效率的提高使服务获得了大幅增长,而能耗增量却相对较小。

The new integrated data illuminate some key technologicaland structural trends that help explain these large energy intensityimprovements (see the first figure and the second figure, second graph). Thecombination of increased server efficiencies and greater server virtualization(which reduces the amount of server power required for each compute instance)has enabled a six-fold increase in compute instances with only a 25% increasein global server energy use, whereas the combination of increased storage-driveefficiencies and densities has enabled a 25-fold increase in storage capacitywith only a threefold increase in global storage energy use. Shifts to fasterand more energy-efficient port technologies have enabled a 10-fold increase indata center IP traffic with only modest increases in net-work device energyuse. In sum, although overall energy use of IT devices (servers, storage, andnetwork) has increased from around 92 TWh in 2010 to around 130 TWh in 2018,technological and operational efficiency gains have enabled substantial growthin services with comparatively much smaller growth in energy use.


Notably, the new data also suggest a large decrease inthe energy use of data center infrastructure systems (i.e., cooling and powerprovisioning), enough to mostly offset the growth in total IT device energy use.This decrease is explainable by ongoing shifts in servers away from smallertraditional data centers (79% of compute instances in 2010) and toward largerand more energy-efficient cloud (including hyperscale) data centers (89% ofcompute instances in 2018) (see the second figure, third graph), which havemuch lower reported PUE values owing to cutting-edge cooling-system andpower-supply efficiencies (1, 11).


Yet given ever-growing demand for data center services,how much longer can these current efficiency trends last? Predicting thelong-term efficiency limits of IT devices is notoriously difficult, especiallyin light of potential game-changing technologies such as quantum computing, forwhich energy use is unclear (2). Yet over the near term, market analystspredict that even greater levels of server virtualization are feasible (1), andtechnology studies indicate remaining potential for IT device efficiency gains,including more shifts to low-power storage devices (8). On the infrastructureside, world-class hyperscale data centers are already operating with PUEs of1.1 or lower, which is close to the practical minimum value. Additionalstructural shifts from smaller traditional data centers to hyperscale datacenters are predicted in the near term (1), indicating that infrastructureenergy use may be dampened even further. Should these trends play out over thenext few years, our approach indicates that there is a sufficient energyefficiency resource to absorb the next doubling of data center computeinstances that would occur in parallel with a negligible increase in globaldata center energy use (see the second figure, second graph).


These findings lie in contrast to recent predictions ofrapid and unavoidable near-term energy demand growth. Yet the IT industry, datacenter operators, and policy-makers can’t rest on their laurels; diligentefforts will be required to manage possibly sharp energy demand growth once theexisting efficiency resource is fully tapped. The next doubling of global datacenter compute instances may occur within the next 3 to 4 years [1]。

Happy New Year


原文出处:POLICY FORUM【Recalibrating global data center energy-use  estimates】


1.  Cisco, “Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and methodology, 2016–2021 white paper” (Cisco, document 1513879861264127 , 2018).

2.  International Energy Agency (IEA), Digitalization & Energy(IEA, 2017).

3.  L. Belkhir, A. Elmeligi, J. Clean. Prod.177, 448 (2018).

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5.  T . Bawdy, “Global warming: Data centres to consume three times as much energy in next decade, experts warn, ” The Independent, 23 January 2016.

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7.  E. Masanet, R. E. Brown, A. Shehabi, J. G. Koomey,

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14.  M. Avgerinou, P. Bertoldi, L. Castellazzi, Energies10, 1470 (2017).

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