动词后面是跟动名词还是不定式没有什么规律,牢牢记住就是了。通过大量的练习可以巩固这些搭配,达到一种很强的语感,也即遇到哪个动词就知道后面是跟动名词还是不定式。 请选择正确的动词形式(动名词或不定式)来完成句子1. I hope (to graduate, graduating) from college next June.答案:to graduate我希望明年六月大学毕业。解析:hope 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“希望,期望”。2. The models practiced (to walk, walking) with a book balanced on their heads.答案:walking模特们头上顶着一本书练习走路。解析:practise 后面跟动名词,在这里译为“练习”。3. Mandy has promised (to take, taking) care of our dog while we are on vacation.答案:to take曼迪答应在我们度假时照顾我们的狗。解析:promise 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“许诺,承诺,答应,保证”。4. Mr. Edwards chose (accepting, to accept) the management position in Chicago rather than the position in Miami.答案:to accept爱德华兹选择接受芝加哥的管理职位,而不是迈阿密的职位。解析:choose 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“选择,挑选”。5. I don't know what she wants (to do, doing) tonight. Why don't you ask her?答案:to do我不知道她今晚想干什么。你为什么不问问她?解析:want 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“想,想要,希望”。
6. Frank offered (helping, to help) us paint the house.答案:to help弗兰克主动提出帮我们粉刷房子。解析:offer to do sth 译为“主动提出做某事”。7. Sandra decided (to study, studying) economics in London.答案:to study桑德拉决定去伦敦学习经济学。解析:decide 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“决定”。8. Witnesses reported (to see, seeing) the bank robber as he was climbing out of the second-story window.答案:seeing目击者称看到银行劫匪正从二楼窗户爬出来。解析:report 后面跟动名词,在这里译为“汇报,报告,通报”。9. Stephanie dislikes (working, to work) in front of a computer all day.答案:working斯蒂芬妮不喜欢整天在电脑前工作。解析:安全起见,dislike 后面跟动名词,在这里译为“不喜欢,厌恶”。10. Mrs. Naidoo appears (to be, being) the most qualified person for the job.答案:to be奈杜太太似乎是最适合这份工作的人。解析:appear 后面跟动词不定式,在这里译为“显得,看来,似乎”。