Seem,appear 和 look 是常见的系动词,其中 seem 只是系动词,而 appear 和 look 既可以是实义动词,也可以是系动词。作系动词时,它们的意思是一样的,意为“似乎,看来”等,那么它们是否可以完全互换呢? 一、是否涉及判断 1. 使用 appear 和 look 时,通常涉及到可看得到的或察觉得到的状态,特别是 look,它也是五大感官动词之一,例如:She looks unhappy.她看起来不高兴。解析:这句话暗示一些可看得到的状态或行为,比如 She 可能在擦眼泪或皱着眉等,所以看上去愁眉苦脸。She didn't appear at all surprised at the news.她听到这消息时一点也没有显得吃惊。解析:这句话暗示一些可看得到的状态或行为,比如 She 可能一点都不在乎的感觉或在发笑等,所以看上去不吃惊。2. 使用 seem 时,通常涉及判断,也即没有可看得到的或察觉得到的状态,例如: He seems happy.你好像挺高兴。解析:这句话暗示通过主语的状态而感知的判断,可能 he 表面上没有表露出笑容或开心的表情。He seems certain to win.他似乎胜券在握。解析:这句话暗示通过主语的状态而感知的判断,可能 he 表面上没有表现出信心十足的表情。
二、是否涉及不定式或 that 引导的表语从句 作系动词时,seem 和 appear 常可以接不定式或表语从句,而 look 不可以,例如:看来他们知道自己在干什么。It seems that they know what they're doing. (表语从句)They seem to know what they're doing. (不定式)我好像迷路了。你能帮助我吗?It seems that I have lost my way. Can you help me? (表语从句)I seem to have lost my way. Can you help me? (不定式)看来有一个差错。It appears that there has been a mistake. (表语从句)There appears to have been a mistake. (不定式)他们似乎不在家。没人接电话。It appears that they are not at home. Nobody's answering. (表语从句)They appear not to be at home. Nobody's answering. (不定式)They do not appear to be at home. Nobody's answering. (不定式)三、是否涉及 as if 或 like作系动词时,look 或 seem 后面常可以接 as if,而 appear 不可,例如:It looks as if it's going to rain again.看来又要下雨了。It seems as if they're no longer in love.好像他们不再相爱了。It seems like she'll never agree to a divorce.看来她永远不会同意离婚。在口语中,人们经常用 like 来代替 look as if 中的 as if,但是在正式的英式英语的书面中,这种用法被认为是错误的,例如:看样子我们还是不可能搬迁了。It doesn't look as if we'll be moving after all.It doesn't look like we'll be moving after all.您的支持最重要!!!如果您觉得这篇文章对您有帮助,请不要吝啬在右下角点“在看”和点赞,我们将一如既往地输出更多优质的此类文章。