Metro English-327 - Professional Santa Claus 圣诞老人

Professional Santa Claus 


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is the time of big wishes, presents and a lot of joy. The symbol of this magical holiday is none other than St. Nicholas or better known today as Santa Claus who is loved by both parents and kids. Christmas Eve is the best time to think of making some extra cash and respectively being a professional Santa is the best choice for you during the busy season. If you love bringing joy and spreading festive atmosphere, keep reading and you will find out how to start your career path as a professional Santa Claus.


How to become a professional Santa Claus?

Santa Claus jobs are seasonal and an average contract lasts 6 weeks with, generally, 6 or 12-hour shifts each day. In addition, you have to be ready to travel across the country for the Christmas season. You have to start preparation for months before the high Christmas season because most jobs are already filled by October.


The audition for Santa will be competitive because these jobs are so in demand. It is easier to get hired at smaller malls. If you are looking for a job by yourself, start with contacting diverse small shopping centers, photo shops, department stores and ask them directly about job openings. It is better to turn to some event agency for getting a job at large shopping malls. In addition, National staffing service is able to help you in finding convenient job openings.


During the Christmas numerous Santa Claus job openings are opened out there. You are probably wondering how much do Santas make? Well, mall Santa can make from $10 to $200 per hour. Per 40-day seasonal contract newbies can get $10,000, whereas an experienced person with Santa school certificate will get up to $50,000. Impressive, isn’t it?


There are no strict requirements for being Santa, but you have to enjoy working with kids as they are the main customers for this period of a year. As Santa, your essential job will be to maintain the joyful atmosphere and cheerful disposition regardless of the situation.


There is no need to explain what does Santa look like. The typical attire is a suit that includes red pants, jacket trimmed with white fur, black belt and white gloves.


It is worth noting that real bearded Santas with professionally bleached and manicured beard will be more in demand. However, even if you don’t have real Santa Claus beard, you can take the fake one. Now they are so realistic that no one will even notice the difference.


You will definitely get a job if you look good in professional Santa suit and can speak in a deep jolly voice, smile, laugh, and “ho ho ho” while children are sharing with you their fondest wishes.


Therefore, with your intention to get extra cash while spreading the festive atmosphere of happiness and joy, this seasonal job is definitely for you. Remember, that this job is all about making children happy. It may be some amazing experience of your lifetime. This job is so rewarding, go ahead as it is certainly worth trying.


diverse 不同的,多种多样的

newbies 新手

attire 服装

manicure 修剪

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