270.Strictures in Crohn's disease(5)


Other conditions can cause small bowel strictures.  An ischemic stricture is usually a solitary, smooth surfaced narrowing, with gradually tapering margins. Strictures complicating radiation enteropathy are luminal narrowings associated with smooth, thick folds perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. If very long-standing, radiation strictures may be smooth circumferential "tubular" narrowings. Annular constricting tumors, either primary or metastatic, are sharply demarcated, often with pronounced shoulder formations.  Very rarely in the chronic stage of ulcerative jejunoileitis, short annular constrictions separating dilated segments are present. Strictures related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are typical short, smooth ring-like narrowings in the ileum.



1. ischemic [ɪs'ki:mɪk] 缺血性的

2. enteropathy [ˌentə'rɒpəθi:] n. 肠病,肠下垂

3. luminal ['lju:mɪnæl] n.鲁米诺(一种镇静剂)

luminal narrowing 管腔狭窄

4. perpendicular [ˌpɜ:rpənˈdɪkjələ(r)] adj.垂直的

5. demarcate [ˈdi:mɑ:rkeɪt] vt. 定…的界线,区分

6. ulcerative ['ʌlsərətɪv] adj. 溃疡(性)的

7. jejunoileitis [dʒi:dʒu:nɔɪ'lɪaɪtɪz] 空肠回肠炎

8. steroidal [医] 甾体的

9. ileum [ˈɪliəm] n. 回肠

