176.Progressive Systemic Sclerosis(进行性系统性硬化症)


Progressive systemic sclerosis is characterized by atrophy and sclerosis of many organ systems, including the skin, musculoskeletal system, and heart as well as the lungs.


The basic pulmonary lesion is interstitial fibrosis, which may take the form of a fine reticular pattern that becomes more coarse and dense as the disease progresses, eventually producing a reticulonodular pattern.


Characteristically, lung volumes are diminished with a basilar and peripheral distribution of disease with or without honeycombing. HRCT is the method of choice for evaluating early parenchymal involvement and include ground-glass opacity, honeycombing, bronchiectasis, septal and pleural thickening, and subpleural cysts. The radiographic pattern is often that of usual interstitial pneumonitis, although histopathologic patterns of usual interstitial pneumonitis or nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis may be found.


Esophageal dilatation may be seen on CT in up to 80% of patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. When the esophagus is involved, aspiration into the basal segments of lung may also account for the radiographic abnormalities.



1. sclerosis  [skləˈroʊsɪs] n. 硬化症

2. atrophy [ˈætrəfi] n. 萎缩,衰退

3. interstitial [ˌɪntərˈstɪʃl] adj. 填隙; 空隙的

4. reticular [rɪ'tɪkjələ] adj. 网状的

5. peripheral [pəˈrɪfərəl] adj. 外围的; 次要的

6. parenchymal [pə'rəŋkəməl] 实质的,主质的,薄壁组织的

7. bronchiectasis  [brɑŋkɪ'ektəsɪs] n. 支气管扩张

8. septal  ['septəl] adj. 隔膜的

9. pleural  ['plʊərə] adj. 胸腔; 胸膜的

10. pneumonitis [ˌnju:mə'naɪtɪs] n. 局限性肺炎,肺炎

11. esophagus  [aɪˈsɑfəɡəs] n. 食管,食道

12. dilatation [ˌdɪləˈteʃən, ˌdaɪlə-] n. 膨胀; (中空器官或空洞)扩张




