
前面我发过几期EngVid(English Video缩写)的外教全英文授课视频,朋友们都很喜欢,所以今天我再来介绍一下这个网站的一位著名外教老师,纯正美音的James。
James on Reading Comprehension
上面这段视频,是James老师谈如何做好英语阅读理解的学习方法指导内容。Reading Comprehension,阅读理解,说起来大家都很重视,但如何做好,毕竟还是需要一定的技术、技能,James老师对此进行了总体的分析和指导,我觉得听听全英文的讲解,既是一种听力的锻炼,又获得了直接的方法指导,实在是一举两得呀!

James on the use of articles (a, an, the)

James on Idioms with HOLD


001 Speaking English - Saying Hello and Goodbye, formally and informally

002 Reading Comprehension in English

003 English Grammar - Articles - How to use A, AN, THE

004 Idioms in English - 'Hold'

005 Using 'must' & 'have to' in English

006 Speaking English - Say, Tell, Hear, Listen - How to use them correctly

007 Phrasal Verbs in English - 'Up'

008 Learn English More Effectively

009 English Grammar Conditional & Imaginary - IF, WILL, WOULD, WERE

010 Idioms in English 'Bird'

011 Pronunciation - 3 Mistakes part 1 ('s')

012 Phrasal Verbs in English - PULL

013 Pronunciation - 3 Mistakes part 2 ('t' & 'd')

014 Apostrophe   S, after S (English Spelling)

015 Learn English Slang with Christian Bale (Batman!)

016 More English Slang with Christian Bale, Batman!

017 Pronunciation - 3 Mistakes part 3 ('th')

018 Cultural Differences - An Introduction

019 Pronunciation - Improve your pronunciation of English nouns

020 English Grammar - I used to & I'm used to

021 English Vocabulary - Roots - port

022 Idioms in English - Hand

023 Phrasal Verbs - turn

024 Phrases and Clauses - What's the Difference

025 English Grammar - PASSIVE

026 Idioms in English - Money

027 English Vocabulary - Love, Dating, and Relationships

028 English Grammar - Past Simple & Present Perfect

029 English Grammar - Modals of Advisability

030 Idioms & Phrasal Verbs - on

031 How to Write an Effective Essay

032 English Grammar - Present Perfect Simple & Continuous

033 Phrasal Verbs - 'shut'

034 Understand English with action suffixes

035 Numbers in English Writing

036 Speaking English - How to talk about the weather

037 Speaking English  - Expressions involving food

038 Confused Words in English - By, Bye, Buy, Bi

039 English Grammar - All about phrasal verbs!

040 English Vocabulary - Talking about Looks - Beautiful,Sexy, Hot, Not my type, Unattractive, and more!

041 Learn English - How to Listen and Understand

042 6 English idioms with the word 'mouth'

043 Idioms in English - FOOT

044 How to Summarize

045 English Vocabulary - MUSE words - amusing, bemused, etc.

046 English Vocabulary - VERT words - pervert, convert, invert, and more!

047 English Grammar - All & Every - What's the difference

048 Modals in English - MUST

049 How to improve your English conversation skills

050 English Vocabulary - TRACT words - contract, subtract, abstract, and more!

051 Learn English - Talking about crime

052 English Vocabulary & Idioms - NOISE

053 2 Quick Ways to Improve your English

054 English Grammar - How to ask questions

055 English Vocabulary - Winter Clothing

056 English Idioms - BOOT

057 Speaking English - Talking about Directions

058 How NOT to Learn English

059 English Vocabulary Pyramid - JECT - eject, object, reject, subject, and more!

060 English Grammar - SOME & ANY

061 How to use NO & NOT in English

062 English Idioms - HAIR

063 How do modals work

064 English Grammar - Adverb Suffixes -ly, -wards, -wise

065 How NOT to Learn English, part 2

066 How to Write an Effective Essay The Introduction

067 English Grammar - How to learn tenses - ALL tenses!!

068 Master Modals with the SEAM method - may, might, could, etc.

069 English Vocabulary - Negative Characteristics - arrogant, vain, snob...

070 Advanced English Vocabulary - racist, sexist, biased, ignorant, prejudice

071 How NOT to Learn English - Studying English at Home

072 Polite English - Why do we use would

073 How to maximize your English learning

074 6 phrases in English using IT'S

075 How to pronounce TH, S, F sounds in English

076 Master Modals with the SEAM method part 2 - Questions

077 The Top 3 English words you need to know - HAVE

078 English Grammar Modifying Comparatives - a lot, far more, much, a little, slightly

079 Slang in English - BREAK

080 How to Use Auxiliary Verbs in Conversations

081 Master Modals with the SEAM Method, Part 3 -- Preference & Opinion

082 Need to, have to, must - modals of necessity

083 Could have, would have, should have - modals of lost opportunity

084 The Top 3 English words you need to know - GET

085 Slang in English - SCREW

086 How to MASTER your vocabulary

087 The Top 3 English words you need to know - MAKE

088 Slang in English - SUCK

089 5 common mistakes in spoken English

090 3 rules for improving your English immediately

091 3 ways to use adverbs

092 Slang in English (vocabulary) - BLOW

093 3 common conversation mistakes

094 7 Common School Expressions in English

095 Adjective endings - ING or ED

096 What are the senses in English

097 AGO & FROM NOW - Talking about time in English

098 Master English with these 5 questions!

099 Speaking English - Clean yourself!!!

100 James's 100th Birthday Party!!!

101 How to talk about sports in English

102 Reading skills that work - for tests and in class

103 Assume or Presume

104 English Vocabulary Pyramid - VENT - adventure, convenient, eventually...

105 Too or So

106 I seen it and other stupid mistakes

107 Learn English - 4 ways to understand what you hear


109 Pronunciation Tricks - The Magic E

110 Alright or All right

111 Phrasal verbs - OFF - make off, get off, pull off...



114 Speaking English - DEAL expressions - big deal, deal with it...

115 OFF Phrasal Verbs - Business English

116 Work out your English!

117 Basic shopping vocabulary in English

118 OUT Phrasal Verbs - Business English

119 Learn English - What do you do for fun

120 Learn English - What are prefixes

121 3 tricks for learning English - prepositions, vocabulary, structure

122 Basic English vocabulary for restaurants

123 5 conversation phrasal verbs you need to know

124 Improve your social skills with Bar English!!!

125 Fix Your Bad English

126 How to use your dictionary to build your vocabulary

127 Learn English 3 easy ways to get better at speaking English

128 Learn English - Travel Vocabulary

129 Confusing Sex & Gender Words in English - girlfriend, guys, partner...

130 3 Quick Grammar Fixes

131 English Grammar - Word Endings - What are suffixes

132 LEARN ENGLISH AT HOME- How to choose a textbook

133 What does the word 'SURE' really mean in English

134 Animal idioms and expressions in English

135 How to be an effective speaker- BE SPECIFIC!

136 How to talk about DEATH in English

137 Mind Maps - How to learn vocabulary quickly, easily, and permanently

138 Learn English - Basic rules to improve your spelling

139 Learn English- 7 FACE Expressions

140 Learn English- 9 basic phrases for CLEANING UP

141 Conversation Skills - How to STEAL a conversation

142 English Expressions- three-word phrasal verbs

143 Confusing Words- MISS or LOSE

144 How to say NO! Communication skills that work

145 Learn English Grammar- Modals - 'could' or 'should'

146 Learn 5 easy HAT idioms in English

147 Learn basic English vocabulary for cleaning your house

148 Learn English Expressions- What are binomials

149 Conversation Skills- What's your communication style

150 Learn English- Words with many meanings

151 IMPERATIVES – How to give commands in English

152 Basic English- Learn the difference between BECAUSE and SO

153 3 ways to pronounce the EX sound in English

154 Learn English - Vocabulary and expressions about HANDS

155 3 ways to pronounce the QU sound in English

156 WEDDING & MARRIAGE Vocabulary in English

157 Idioms and expressions in English with 'SUIT'

158 Learn English- The difference between THIS and THAT

159 Learn Vocabulary- English words that come from other languages

160 3 Commonly Confused WORD PAIRS in English

161 Speaking English – How to give criticism and compliments

162 Speaking English – How to talk about borrowing, lending, and property

163 Writing Skills  When to use commas with FOR, AND, BUT, OR, YET, SO, NOR

164 How to learn English with YouTube!

165 Easy English Lesson  turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down

166 Real English  How to talk to the POLICE

167 Real English  What you need to know if you're going to court

168 What is First Person Second Third

169 Confusing English  LIE or LAY RAISE, RISE, or ARISE

170  Learn Real English  Getting sick and buying medicine

171 3 Quick and Easy Tips to Improve your English

172 8 Cultural Differences between Native Speakers and English Learners

173 English Grammar- The Prepositions ON, AT, IN, BY

174 Vocabulary for EATING and DRINKING

175 2 fun new ways to learn English vocabulary

176 11 PHRASAL VERBS for talking about MONEY in English

177 How to have a conversation about RELIGION in English

178 Improve Your Vocabulary! The most common drinking nouns, verbs, and adjectives

179 DOWN Phrasal Verbs in English  close down, bring down, break down

180 How to use W5 questions for more interesting conversations

181 The WORST English mistakes native speakers make

182 Talking About Politics  LEFT WING & RIGHT WING

183 Learn 10 times more vocabulary by using Word Webs

184 How to change a fight into a discussion

185 English Grammar  Definite Adverbs of Frequency

186 Talking about SLEEP in English

187 Steps to Learning English  Where should you start

188 How to start a conversation  5 things to say after hello

189 How to improve your English with MUSIC and MOVIES

190 How to use Mind Maps to understand and remember what you read

191 Learn English  MAKE or DO

192 Sound like a native speaker  Delete the 'H'

193 Learn English Expressions that use body parts!

194 Basic English Grammar Parts of Speech – noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb...

195 10 TIP Expressions in English

