
1. When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I’d hadlunch. Surprise dominated me,urging me to decline their touching and warm-hearted invitation. From beyondthe truck’s end emerged the father, who had assisted me with my big Jeep.Wearing a smile on his face, he asked his wife to take out a paper bag andhanded it to me. He got on the truck and set off with words of best wishes forme.
After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag. Inside the bag lay some burgers and fruit. Sitting in myJeep, greatly moved and speechless, I took a bite of the very meal. Hardly hadI thoroughly swallowed them when tears rolled down my face. A mood of warmthand exhilaration descended on me. Silence took over as I was desperate to reflect on the unique experience.
2. When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I'dhad lunch. I'm ashamed to say wedidn't. She quicklybrought me some solid food and then led us to the back of their truck withloads of fruits in it. Itsuddenly occurred to me that I could buy as much fruit as possible to expressmy thanks instead of giving money. So I asked the little girl if I could buysome fruit. She nodded with smile but the man and his wife immediately passedme a large bottle of fresh fruit juicy. Itwas just at this moment that I couldn’t help showing my appreciation for suchdelicious lunch. When I was aboutto leave, the girl’s mother gave me a paper bag warmheartedly. I showed mygreat thanks again and we said goodbye to each other.
After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paperbag. Insidewas the money I offered just now. Atthe same time, there was a note written by a girl, which read “We have only donesomething we should. Thanks for having a good day with you today, my dearfriend.” With tears in my eyes, I starteda car, thinking that Iwould never forget such an aid and determined to offer a hand to whoever neededhelp if necessary.
(Lips twitching with happiness, I was overwhelmed by the Mexicanfamily’s kindness. Their angel-like behavior lightened my world, sweeping awayall the melancholy and annoyance during caused by the car trouble. I started myJeep and hit the road, disbelief and mistrust giving way to belief and trust inhumanity, with the bright sunshine leading me on the road.) (江苏英语教师QQ)
3.When I was about to say goodbye, thegirl asked if I’d had lunch. I toldher I hadn’t had lunch because I’d been waiting here for help for nearly threehours. The girl said they didn’t have lunch either. She suggested to herparents that we have lunch together. Their truck happened to have some food andsome things for the picnic. So we ate together in a vacant lot by the side ofthe road. During that time, I told about what had happened to me and how Ifelt. They shared interesting stories about their lives in Mexico and on fruitfarms. After lunch, the girl’s mother put a paper bag of fruit in my jeep. Ishowed my gratitude again and we said goodbye to each other.
After they left, I got into my jeepand opened the paper bag. There were some delicate fruits inthe paper bag. I was surprised to find the money I had quietly left them. Atthe same time, there was a note written by a girl, which read “We are veryhappy to be able to help you. We have encountered many difficulties and beendisappointed. But we met a lot of helpful people, which made us feel very warm.To help others with one’s own ability is also a kind of lifting a finger. Thebeauty of life comes from these lifting a finger. I hope you have a good lifeand a happy mood.” This made me very moved, and I would try my best to helpmore people in the future to make our world more beautiful and warmer. (学科网)
4. 学生作品 (维克多英语)When I was about to say goodbyethe girl asked if I’d had any lunch. Ofcourse not, for I had been trapped there for quite a few hours. She then had aword with her parents and went back to their truck. A few minutes later, shecame back with a paper bag. “That’s Mommy’s hand-made taco,” explained thegirl. “It’s so yummy that you must love it.” I was starving to death after allthat exhausting work so I took the Mexico-originated food, grateful and deeplymoved. Then we waved goodbye to each other.
After they left I got into my jeep and opened thepaper bag. After they left, I gotinto my Jeep and opened the paper bag. Inside the bag was a chicken taco(墨西哥卷饼). The next few minutessaw my wolfing down the delicious food. Tears welled up as I was chewing. Itwas awesome to know that while many people tend to ignore those in need, thereare some kind-hearted ones who go out of their way to lend a hand. The gooddeed the foreign family did will never escape me. I am going to pass it down tocreate a much friendlier world.
5. When I was about to say goodbye the girl asked if I’dhad any lunch. I shook my head and said no, wonderingwhy she asked such a question---was she going to treat me to lunch orsomething? “Wait a minute,” said the girl, and then she went back to the truck.After a few minutes, she came back with a paper bag. “Here are some Mexicansnacks and you can have some when you are hungry,” the girl smiled. I was sosurprised and touched that words almost failed me. I just said a “WOW!”insteadof a “Thank you!” when I took the bag.
After they left I got into my jeep and opened the paperbag. When I saw what was inthe bag, I was overcome with a mixture of respect and gratefullness. Inaddition to the snacksm there was the $20 bill. What a kind and respectablefamily! They are a perfect example of what kindness really means. And I’m sureI will pay it forward.


陈晓君工作室 徐闻中学 李琳

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl askedif I’d had lunch. It was then that I was aware that I didn’t have lunch.To be honest, after several hours’ hard work, my stomach was grunting withhunger. Somewhat embarrassed, I replied: “no!” the girl said with a smile,“Come on! Join us. The sandwich is my mother’s specialty.” With moved tearsrolling around my eyes, I reached for the sandwich. After devouring it like awolf, I felt that it was the tasty sandwich that I had ever had. Seeing mylooks, they all burst out laughing. Then, the girl’s mother had another sandwich placed in a paper bag and handed it to me, saying gently : “Keep it and have itlater! We have to go now.”
After they left, I got intomy jeep and opened the paper bag. Insidethe paper bag were an sandwich and the bill given by me. Grasping the paperbag, I was rooted to the spot, a warm current rising in my heart. How gratefulI was to the family reaching out a helping hand to me. Indifferent as most ofpeople I met on the road were, there were still some people like this familywho were so helpful and considerate. From then on, I placed a jack and somecommon tools in my car. When meeting people in need on the road, I would spareno efforts to help them like the Mexican family. As the saying goes, “It is ablessing to get love from others and to care for others is a blessing.”

培力英语  张守初

When I was about to say goodbye,the girl asked if I'd had lunch. Over three hours'delay on the road made it impossible to lie otherwise, but I declined theirinvitation to have some food together with them, saying that my parents I wason my way to visit would be waiting too long. When the father handed back to methe $20 bill, I explained it was not meant as a reward for their help but topay for the tire iron I had broken. Seeing my firmness, the mother produced apaper bag and said inside it was a hamburger that I could eat while driving,which I could not but accept.

After they left, I got into myJeep and opened the paper bag. To my surprise, alongside with the hamburger, Ifound the $20 bill, which had somehow made its way into the bag. A light coolbreeze was blowing against my burning face through the window of my jeep; I wasso ashamed of myself. While I was waiting for help before I met the family, Ihated this world, its people and the bad luck it had thrown at me. The coolwind of the fall had made me feel piercing cold. If you are patient enough, youcan always find warmth out there. What matters is the confidence in humannature and the effort to spread warmth around.

梅州市梅州中学 高雁

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I'd had lunch. At that moment, a weird sound came from my stomach,telling the family how awkward the last three hours I had been before theyappeared. I was, indeed, extremely hungry and was a little embarrassed.'Just wait!' the little girl stopped me. She headed to the truck andtook out a paper bag. 'You'll like it!' She handed it to me. Then wewaved goodbye with best wishes to each other.

After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened thepaper bag. It'scandy. I unwrapped one and put it into my mouth. So sweet was it that I felt awarm stream flowing in the depth of my heart. In the following 30 minutes, Idrove with a big smile wearing on my face all the way. I ate up all the candybut kept the paper bag. It reminded me of the warmth from the Mexican family,and the candy had everlasting taste in my memory.

湛江市开发区一中 叶丽

When I was aboutto say goodbye the girl asked if I’d had any lunch. I laughed and said:  “I wishthat I had—I’m feeling very hungry now.” “We have lots of food with us andwere going to stop soon to have our lunch. Here is as good a place as anywhereto eat so please eat with us.” “That’s very generous of you. I’d love toaccept your invitation,” I replied. We were soon sitting on a blanket nextto the truck having a lovely picnic. When we had finished they puteverything away, wished me luck with the rest of my journey, gave me a paperbag and set off.

After they left Igot into my jeep and opened the paper bag. Inside I found some fresh fruit and the $20 bill. Now, instead of feeling irritated that people couldn’t bebothered to stop I was filled with a sense of appreciation of how thoughtfulpeople could be. I decided that from then on I would always try to be thoughtfuland helpful whenever I saw people in trouble.


1. When I was about to say goodbye the girl asked if I’dhad any lunch. Shaking my head, I insisted that I was not tha thungry, and that they should save the food forthe rest of the journey. However, the sound ofmy stomach grumbling betrayed me, Smiling awkwardly, I admittedly felling alittle bit puckish. Having made me wait for a second, she whirled around, gotinto the car, and fumbled around for some food. Seconds later, “Here you are!”    Appearing into sight was a paper bag.Deeply affected by her kindness, I looked at the little girl, whose starry eyes on the lightening face glittered something sly, arousing my curiosity about what was in the bag. The family were ready to leave. The father started thetruck, with the mother and girl seated in the back seat, waving goodbye to me. Waving back with a smile, I wished them a safe trip. I watched the truckdisappear into the distance, mixed feelings welling up in me.

After they left I got into my jeep and opened the paperbag. The sweet smell of the food (原文thefood’s sweet smell) filled my nostrils, making my mouth water. Not until Ipicked the hamburger up did I spot a 20-dollar bill along with a note, reading,“Kindness is free. Take care.” Stunned and moved, I stared at the note, feeling a pang of guilt about my previous (原文pervious) thought that all people were indifferent. Having spent a tough year littered with severe hardship, I cried my heart out in my Jeep on this deserted road forthe kindness from some strangers. It eventually dawned on me that love andkindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they also bless the giver. From that day on, every time I meet someone who needs help, I always reach out to them, hoping to pass on the kindness that Mexican family offered me.


