And then some:英语中最不像成语的成语!
和中文一样,英语中绝大多数的成语表达,要么包含形象的比喻、要么说出了深刻的道理。以这些标准衡量,And then some 应该是英语中最不像成语的成语。下面是个例子:
- This dessert is very rich. 这道甜点非常油腻。
- And then some! I don't think I can finish it. 何止油腻,简直是太油腻了。我恐怕都无法全部吃完。
And then some 据说是源于Scottish English 苏格兰英语的方言,无论在影视作品,还是在书面文字中都经常出现;3个组成部分都是最常用的词,而且都是虚词、功能词,And是连词,Then是副词,Some是代词。
但在实际生活中,母语并非英语的人士,却很少使用 And then some 这个说法,甚至注意不到这是一个固定的成语表达,在遇到时通常会视而不见、也想不到查字典,只是当作别人没说完话就打住了。

And then some 是个 Informal 非正式说法,语气比较幽默,一般都是用在陈述句的后面,用来表示:实际的程度、要远远超出前面所陈述的程度,相当于中文的“岂止、何止…”。口语中在使用And then some时,通常会特别在 then 上面加重语气。
And then some 在生活中很常用,也很有用。要想掌握 And then some 的用法,最好的办法就是集中多看几个例句,形成使用这个成语的意识。
You will have to train and then some if you want to make the basketball team—there are so many good players this year.
They were successful in obtaining top positions because when it came to their work, they did what needed to be done and then some.
Forgive me, Lady Vera, but given the fact of where we have just now brought you from and where you were found, this face you offer to the world... some could call it heartless.
I am calm. It is how I was raised. 我只是冷静、处变不惊,从小家里就是这么教育我的。
You are calm, and then some more. 你的确是处变不惊,但你冷静得有些过分。
How many elections have you won?! How many congressional committees have you chaired?! Would you even be working in the White House if I hadn't recommended you during the campaign?
I returned that favor and then some. Look where your desk is now!
And I'd say we're even.