
近日,中国建筑学会在北京召开梁思成建筑奖评选会议,经评审,马来西亚建筑师 Kenneth King Mun YEANG(杨经文)、中国建筑师 周 恺 荣获2016梁思成建筑奖。

梁 思 成 建 筑 奖

Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize

“梁思成建筑奖”是由中国建筑学会主办、国际建筑师协会(Union International des Architectes)支持、面向世界授予建筑师和建筑学者的国际奖项。






Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize isorganized by the Architectural Society of China (ASC), and supported by Union International des Architectes (UIA). It opens to the world and is aninternational prize awarded to architects and architectural scholars.

Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize aims to stimulate the architects’ and architectural scholars’creative spirit, prosper architectural creation, and to improve the levels of architectural design, theoretical studies and architectural education. In 2000, the Ministry of Construction (MOC) of the People's Republic of Chinaand the Architectural Society of China (ASC) established Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize, to honor and reward architects, architectural theorists and architectural educators who have made significant achievements and outstanding contributions in the architectural field.In 2014, the Architectural Society of China became the sole sponsor of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize.

LiangSicheng was a distinguished Chinese architect, architectural historian and educator, a pioneer in historical research in Chinese architecture, and the founder of China’smodern system of architectural education.As a key figure in introducing Western modern discipline of architecture and city planning system to China, he tried to create China’s own system of architectural education against localeconomic, cultural and technologicalbackgrounds. He was also a Chinese scholar who systematically presented the achievements of Chinese architecture and art to the Western world. Liang Sicheng took part in the formation of the Architectural Society of China and served as Vice President of its first council. He devoted to the promotion ofacademic exchange between Chinese and international architects. As the representative appointed by the Chinese government, he participated in important projects of international cooperation such as the design for the United Nations headquarters. Since the mid-20th century, Liang Sicheng’s works and research results have become the main channel through which the West learnsabout Chinese architecture and art.

Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize was highly recognized and praised by the architectural field in China. It has greatly enhanced the influence of the architecture industry and the visibility of practicing architects. Since 2016, Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize opens to the entire world, to be given bienniallyto two winners. The winners will receive a certificate and a medal from the Architectural Society of China, together witha prize of RMB 100,000.

The candidates for Liang Sicheng Architecture Prizeshould be committed to promoting the inheritance and innovation of architectural culture, and have important impacton thedevelopment of architectural culture. Theirworks of architectural design are widely accepted by international architectural professionals, havegoodsocial, economic and environmental benefits; their academic achievements have made outstanding contributions to architectural studies and architectural education.

Nominations for Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize combine individual nominations and those from the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee votes to determine the shortlisted candidates. The Jury then selects the winners. The selection result is announcedon the official website of the Architectural Society of China and related domestic and international mediawithin one month after the selection.


第一条  为激励建筑师和建筑学者的创新精神,繁荣建筑创作,提高建筑设计、理论研究和建筑教育水平,2000年,经中华人民共和国国务院批准,中华人民共和国建设部和中国建筑学会共同设立梁思成建筑奖,该奖项以中国近代著名的建筑师和教育家梁思成先生命名,以表彰在建筑界做出重大成绩和卓越贡献的杰出建筑师、建筑理论家和建筑教育家。2014年,中华人民共和国住房城乡建设部将梁思成建筑奖转交中国建筑学会主办。自2016年起,梁思成建筑奖得到国际建筑师协会的大力支持,评选范围扩大至国际范围。

第二条  梁思成建筑奖是中国建筑学会主办、面向世界并引领国际建筑设计和学科发展方向的奖项,是授予建筑师和建筑学者的最高荣誉。本奖项每两年评选一次,每次设获奖者两名。获奖者将获得中国建筑学会颁发的获奖证书和奖牌,并由梁思成奖励基金向每位获奖者颁发奖金10万元人民币。

第三条  梁思成建筑奖候选人应具备下列条件:

第四条  获奖人的产生,采取专家提名与提名委员会提名推荐相结合的方式,并由提名委员会以投票方式产生候选人名单,然后由评选委员会进行评选。具体程序为:
(二) 梁思成建筑奖提名委员会对被提名的及符合本办法第三条规定条件而未被提名的建筑师和建筑学者统一进行推荐;提名委员会对所有被提名者进行投票,获得提名委员会半数以上赞同票的被提名者进入候选人名单。
(三) 由中国建筑学会通知候选人提交一份候选人本人背景材料和设计作品资料(内容见评选细则)。

第五条  提名委员会和评选委员会的组成。

第六条  评选工作坚持公开、公正和公平的原则,坚持高标准、严要求。评选结果在评选结束后1个月内公布。

第七条  梁思成建筑奖获得者拥有其作品资料的版权,中国建筑学会拥有对其作品资料的无偿使用权,用于梁思成建筑奖相关图书的出版发行以及媒体和网络的宣传推介。

第八条  梁思成建筑奖的颁奖仪式在评选年份的第二年举行,可安排在中国建筑学会年会或重大国际活动中进行。

第九条  本办法由中国建筑学会负责解释。

第十条  本办法自2016年1月1日起实施。

Selection Methods of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize

I. In 2000, with the approval of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Construction (MOC)of the People’s Republic of China together with the Architectural Society of China established Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize in order to stimulate the architects’ creative spirit, prosper architectural creation, and to improve the levels of architectural design and urban-rural development. Named after Liang Sicheng, renowned architect and educator of Modern China, the prize honors and rewards architects who have made significant contributions and outstanding achievements in architectural creation. In 2014, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) handed over the sponsorship of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize to the Architectural Society of China. Since 2016, with the support from the International Union of Architects (UIA), Liang Sicheng Architecture Prizeis open to the world.

II. Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize isorganized by the Architectural Society of China, open to the world and aims to lead international architectural design and academic development. It is the highest honor awarded to architects and architectural scholars. The prize is given biennially to two winners. The winners receive a certificate and a medal from the Architectural Society of China, together with a prize of RMB 100,000presented by the Liang Sicheng Fund.

III. Candidates for Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize are expected to meet the following criteria:
1. They are committed to promoting the inheritance and innovation of architectural culture, and have important impact on the development of architectural culture;
2. Their works of architectural design are widely accepted by international architectural professionals, and have good social, economic and environmental benefits;
3. Their academic achievements have made outstanding contributions to architectural studies and architectural education.

IV. Nominations for the winnerscombine individual nominations and recommendationsfrom the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee votes to determine the shortlisted candidates. The Jury thenselects the winners. The selection procedure is detailed as follows:
1. In April of the selection year, the information will be published as regards nomination acceptance on the official website of the Architectural Society of China and related media.Internationally, any person active in the field of architecture (except those who serve on current Nominating Committee and jury) may becomea nominee, as long as that person meets the criteria stated in Term III of the Selection Methods.
2. The Nominating Committee of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prizewill make recommendations of architectsand architectural scholars who are not nominated however meet the criteria of Term III;the Nominating Committeethen vote on all the recommendednominees;the ones who receive recognition of at least one half of the Nominating Committee members will be into the shortlist as the candidates.
3. TheArchitectural Society of China will notify the candidatesin the shortlist to submit a set of materials including personal profile anddesign works to the Jury (see Selection Rules for specific contents).
4. The Architectural Society of China organizes the Jury meeting to undertake overall deliberate evaluationson the shortlisted candidates. The Jury votes by secret ballot by several rounds; each round of the vote eliminates half of the remaining candidates until the winner list is generated and the two winners are selected.
5. Candidates who do not win the prize may retain their candidacy in the next award edition. Nominations for Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize can be carried over for no more than three editions; those who fail to win the Prize after three consecutive editions can be re-nominated after an interval of two editions.

V. Nominating Committee and Jury Compositions
The Nominating Committee of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize is constituted of9 to 13 renowned experts invited by the Architectural Society of China in the field of architecture. The Committee should be widely representative as well as reflective of certain regional character. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible to be nominated for the prize.
The Jury of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize is constituted of9 to 13 renowned experts in the field of architecture and related professions who agree with the core value of the Prize, including arepresentative from of the International Union of Architects. Former laureates shall beinvited to serve on the next Jury, so as to better carry on the core value conveyed by the prize. Those who are nominated by the Nominating Committee as a candidate are not eligible to enter the current jury.

VI. The evaluationadheres to the principlesof publicity, impartiality and equity, insisting to fulfill its high standards and strict requirements. Once the winners are selected and confirmed, the result is published within onemonth after the selection.

VII. The winners of the Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize own the copyrights of the materials of their works. The Architectural Society of China has the right to freely use the materials for the publication of the prize books, and for the prize promotions and marketingin media and internet.

VIII. The award ceremony of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize is held in next year following the selection, at the annual convention of the Architectural Society of China or other major events.

IX. The Architectural Society of China is responsible for the interpretation of the Selection Methods.

X. The Selection Methods is effective as of 1stJanuary 2016.













Selection Rules of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize

In accordance with the Selection Methods of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize(hereinafter referred to as the Selection Methods), the selection rules are specified as follows:

I.Nomination and Candidates:
According tothe Selection Methods, Nominations for Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize combine expert nominations and recommendations from the Nominating Committee. Internationally, any person active in the field of architecture (except those who serve on current Nominating Committee and jury of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize) may become a nominee for the prize,as long as that person meets the criteria stated in Term III of the Selection Methods.

Liang Sicheng Prize laureates, architects, academics, architecture critics, institutes of architects, and architecture design organizations may make nominations. To nominate, the following materials should be submitted to the Architectural Society of China in either Chinese or English:
(1)A letter of recommendation signed by the nominator;
(2)A completed form of nominee’s information: including full name in the native language and in English, date of birth, position and title, contact information,one digital portrait photograph, educational and professional experience, publications, awards received, introduction of the nominee’s architectural ideas and design experience; and 5 to 10 built projects, each with one photograph of the built project, project name, location and completion date.

2.Shortlist of candidates determined by the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize review and vote via meetings (or E-mail and internet)on the list of nominees, including expertnominated architects, architectural scholars and additional recommendations of the Nomination Committee who meet the criteria of Term III. After the voting by the entire Committee, the nominees who win more than half of votes will be into the shortlist as the candidates.

3.Notification of the candidates
TheArchitectural Society of China will notify the candidatesto submit detailed personal and professional materials, for the final selection by the jury.

4.Materials submission requirements
The shortlisted candidates are required to submit a more detailed information form to the Architectural Society of Chinain either Chinese or English:including name, place of birth, nationality, date of birth, employer, profession and title, the digital portrait photograph, academic degrees, professional experience,social and professional engagement, awards received, published books and articles, professional experience responds to the core value of the Prize ( architectural ideas, academic studies, design reflections and experience, in no more than 1,500 words);  a portfolio: project list in chronological order; each project filled in each form, introducing project name, location, scale, time of completion, principal architects and design team, project introduction; and 5 to 10 photographs or drawings that can represent the design ideas of each built project.

II.Review Procedure
The Architectural Society of China organizes thejury members to undertake overall deliberations on the shortlisted candidates and vote by secret ballot. Each round eliminates half of the remaining candidates to generate the winner list and ranking until two winners are selected.

III.Result Announcement
Selection result and jury list will be published on the official website of the Architectural Society of China and related domestic and international media platforms within one month after the selection is completed.


第一届 (9名)

齐康  东南大学建筑学院

莫伯治  广州市城市规划局

赵冬日  北京市建筑设计研究院

关肇邺  清华大学建筑学院

魏敦山  上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司

张锦秋  中国建筑西北设计研究院

何镜堂  华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

张开济  北京市建筑设计研究院

吴良镛  清华大学建筑学院


马国馨  北京市建筑设计研究院

彭一刚  天津大学建筑学院


唐葆亨  浙江省建筑设计研究院

程泰宁  中国联合工程公司

胡绍学  清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司


程泰宁  中国联合工程公司


刘克良  中国建筑东北设计研究院

刘力  北京市建筑设计研究院


王小东  新疆建筑设计研究院

崔恺  中国建筑设计研究院


柴裴义  北京市建筑设计研究院

黄星元  中国电子工程设计院


柴裴义  北京市建筑设计研究院

黄星元  中国电子工程设计院


黄锡璆  中国中元国际工程公司


刘力  北京市建筑设计研究院

黄锡璆  中国中元国际工程公司


孟建民  深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司

陶郅  华南理工大学建筑设计研究院

唐玉恩  上海现代建筑设计集团上海建筑设计研究院有限公司


孟建民  深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司


郭明卓  广州市设计院

梅洪元  哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院

