[第470次听写]Live up/down the Street有什么区别?

我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长.我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持1年多了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~

本期我们听乔布斯访谈 The Lost Interview


5 when I was a young kid, there was a widowed man that lived up the street.
我很小的时候, 我家那条街上住着一个妻子去世的老头

a widowed woman/man=adj. 丈夫或者妻子去世的人

一般的词像waiter和waitress, actor和actress等男女会有不同的后缀
这是因为一开始只有widow一说, 因为涉及到继承财产等

up the street = 就在同一条街上
也可以说down the street
注意这个用法中up/down一般并不表示上/下, 只是表示同一条街上


网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~

1-2 And, every day you discover something new, that is a new problem or a new opportunity, to fit these things together a little differently. And… it’s that process that is the magic.
每天你都会发现新的东西, 新的问题, 或者新的机遇, 让你可以把那些东西用不同的方式拼接起来. 真正的魔力在于这个过程.

3-4 Um… and so we had a lot of great ideas when we started, but what I’ve always felt that a team of people doing something they really believe in is like, is like…
最开始的时候我们有很多超棒的主意, 但我一直都觉得, 一个团队一起去做一件他们非常相信的事情, 就好像是…

5 when I was a young kid, there was a widowed man that lived up the street.
我很小的时候, 我家那条街上住着一个妻子去世的老头

6-7 And he was in his eighties. He’s a little scary-looking, and I got to know him a little bit… I think he might’ve paid me to cut his- mow his lawn or something…
他当时80多岁. 看着有点吓人, 我跟他稍微熟悉了一下, 我记得他好像花钱雇我帮他修建草坪之类的

