
本篇为The Rhoton Collection解剖视频中《Far Lateral Approach and the Jugular Foramen 远外侧入路与颈静脉孔区》一章,笔者进行了重新编排。其中颈静脉孔区解剖相对比较复杂,希望读者对不熟悉的解剖结构自行扩展学习。



Far Lateral Approach and the Jugular Foramen


So that we're working in this corner of the skull base. And,Help us with these muscles on the back of the neck. What is this?Trapezius

这是胸锁乳突肌sternocleidomastoid ['stərnɒ'klɪdmas'tɔɪd])

这是头夹肌splenius ['spli:nɪəs])

this is splenius (capitus)

位于胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌之间的三角是 颈后三角(Posterior triangle)

And we call this area between the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius, that's the...what triangle of the neck?Posterior triangle.


Now we folded the sternocleidomastoid forward,the trapezius downward,


and we're looking at splenius

这是头半棘肌(semispinalis capitus)['semɪspaɪ'nælɪs]


And we reflect the splenius

下方是头最长肌(longissimus capitus)[lɒn'ɡɪsɪməs] 

under it, we see what muscle?This is longissimus capitus.


And the occipital artery, if you're doing bypasses,can either pass deep or superficial to the longissimus capitus.

翻开半棘肌 即可暴露 枕下三角(suboccipital triangle)

And then you reflect the semispinalis capitus and you see the suboccipital triangle.


When I first started doing far lateral approaches, or transcondylar,I turned these muscles as individual layers,and I found that it was very difficult to close and with a high rate of pseudomeningoceles and wound dehiscences.So we turn all of these muscles down with the scalp flap as a single layer.It's just so much easier to close.

来看看构成枕下三角的肌肉,这是上斜肌(superior oblique)[əˈbliːk] ,起自枕骨,止于寰椎横突。

These muscles form the border of the suboccipital triangle.So this is superior oblique. It runs from occipital bone to transverse process of C1.

这是 下斜肌(inferior oblique),起自寰椎横突,止于枢椎棘突。

Anyone...this is inferior oblique that runs from transverse process of C1 to spine of C2.

这是头后大直肌(rectus capitus posterior major)。起自枢椎棘突,止于枕骨。

And then from spine of C2 to occipital bone is rectus capitus posterior major.

 rectus ['rektəs] 直肌

枕骨至寰椎的这块肌肉是 头后小直肌 (Rectus capitus posterior minor)

What muscle is this that runs from occipital bone to C1?Rectus capitus posterior minor.

枕下三角 由上述三块肌肉(上斜肌、下斜肌、头后大直肌)围成,

The suboccipital triangle is between these three muscles,

其重要性在于,椎动脉越过寰椎髁,即进入该三角内,其周围常有静脉丛附着,Ossama Al-Mefty称之为 第二海绵窦

and the importance of that is the vertebral artery as it passes behind the atlantal condyle, is in the depths of this triangle, often embedded in this venous plexus that Ossama Al-Mefty calls the second cavernous sinus.


So, here we've reflected the superior oblique,the inferior oblique,the rectus capitus.


And when we reflect those muscles, we see the vertebral artery ascending through the transverse process of C1,usually passing behind the atlantal condyle.




But if the artery is tortuous,the vertebral artery can pass higher behind the occpital condyle, or even wraps against the occipital bone where it could be very easy to damage it in a retrosigmoid craniotomy.

椎动脉在穿入硬膜前,常发出一支粗大的脑膜后动脉(下图),此动脉可牺牲,但切勿将硬膜外起源的小脑后下动脉 与之相混淆,这种情况可见于10%的病例。

And the artery just before it enters the dura here,usually gives off a big posterior meningeal branch that you usually sacrifice,but you don't want to confuse this with an extradural origin of the PICA,that occurs in about 10% of cases.

下图下方是寰椎髁( atlantal condyle),上方是枕髁(occipital condyle)

Here we see the atlantal condyle,here below the occipital condyle.



And we can open this dura down.


For vascular pathology,you can often do a removal of the ipsilateral half of the posterior arch of C1.


But for tumor pathology, we often need a wider opening here at the foramen magnum and C2.And in that case, we would use a horseshoe type of flap and flap that downward.


If you're just dealing with pathology right here at the dural entrance, an aneurysm arising from the PICA, then you don't need a wide laminectomy and you can do a hockey stick incision to complete the far lateral approach.


And here we drill supracondylar. We preserve the joint.This is...we've drilled off some of the occipital condyle.

可见舌下神经从髁上方穿过,此为髁上入路(supracondylar approach)

And here you see the hypoglossal nerve passing above the condyle in a supracondylar approach.


If you drill out this condyle, you have access to the lower clivus.And I've used this approach in drilling out chordomas, especially when they've extended into the condyle here. You can get at these in this supracondylar approach.


Here we've opened a cuff of dura around the vertebral artery so it can be mobilized.


We see the hypoglossal nerve in the hypoglossal canal,and IX, X, XIentering the jugular foramen above.





该处即为颈静脉孔(jugular foramen 下图),位于枕骨髁旁部的前方。

Over in this area we have jugular foramen here in front of this paracondylar part of the occipital bone.


And now,here we mobilize the vertebral and this is a...what is that...

这是硬膜外起源的小脑后下动脉 。因此,切勿在硬膜外损伤该血管。

that's an extradural origin of the PICA. So,you want to be very careful and not occlude that artery extradurally.


Here we've also drilled out paracondylar to expose the back side of the jugular foramen, a posterior approach to the foramen.


But this just compares far lateral approach with a transcondylar approach.


And you see even though the condyles are anterolateral, they still can block access to the front of the brainstem.


And here's the approach drilling out the occipital condyle. You see how much further forward that angle is.


And if you pull this dura backwards,you can drill out the condyle, then in a transcondylar approach.


You can actually look across in front of the medulla to the contralateral vertebral artery.


You can actually look across in front of the medulla to the contralateral vertebral artery.We're looking under the hypoglossal nerve. You can get into the lower clivus, and take out chordoma in the lower clivus, all the way across to the contralateral hypoglossal canal. So, this is a route you can take to the lower half of clivus without coming through the oral cavity or through the nasal cavity.


Now here we've detached the rectus capitus lateralis, and have done a paracondylar exposure.


And here, if the pathology blocks off the jugular bulb, then you can ligate the sigmoid and the internal jugular vein.And you can resect this segment of the sigmoid from the back, after you mobilize the vertebral artery.


But this posterior approach will not get you forward to much of the pathology in the jugular foramen that extends forward down the eustachian tube or into the infratemporal fossa.

再看看后方暴露的颅神经(右侧)。下图示舌咽神经  IX

And here's just the exposure of the nerve from the back,and we see IX,

下图示 迷走神经 X

下图示副神经 XI

and this is the XI here

下图示 舌下神经(hypoglossal nerve)

and this is the hypoglossal nerve coming through the hypoglossal canal.

下图示 舌下神经管(hypoglossal canal)


But you see four nerves join the internal jugular vein and carotid just below the jugular foramen in the upper part of the carotid sheath.

下图中发自舌咽神经的是 Jacobson's神经(舌咽神经的鼓室支),Jacobson's神经越过岬部即移行为岩小神经,其进入耳神经节,并最终支配腮腺。

And arising right here is what nerve? What arises from IX here? Jacobson's nerve (the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve). What does this Jacobson's nerve eventually become?Jacobson's nerve crosses the promontory and it becomes the Lesser petrosal which ends up going through what ganglion? Otic, and ends up innervating parotid gland.

这根沿着颈静脉球前壁、颈静脉窝走行的神经是 Arnold's神经(迷走神经的耳支)。Arnold's神经接受外耳道皮肤的一般躯体感觉传入。

Now, what nerve is this that passes along the anterior wall of the jugular bulb, the jugular fossa?Arnold's nerve (the auricular branch of the vagus nerve).What is Arnold's nerve? where does it end up?It ends up in the skin around the external canal.

下面我们讲解从颈静脉孔向下至寰枕髁区域。在颈静脉孔内下方的结构是颈静脉结节。下图示颈静脉孔(jugular foramen)

So we move from this area down to the jugular foramen,down to the area along the occipital and atlantal condyle.And in this area just below and medial to the jugular foramen we have the jugular tubercle that.

下图示颈静脉结节(jugular tubercle)。我们抬起小脑后会发现,其阻碍了至脑干前方的视线。

If you're lifting cerebellum, jugular tubercle that blocks access to the front of the brainstem.


here's 12th nerve and it comes through...this is occipital condyle...it comes through the bone just above the midportion...if you look at occipital condyle from back to front,it passes above the midportion of the occipital condyle.


If you drill off to the side of the condyle,then in this area, you drill paracondylar, you expose the back of the jugular foramen in this paracondylar location.



So, here we see jugular foramen.


The inferior petrosal sinus passes through the petrosal part.


Sigmoid passes through the larger sigmoid part.


Here's the roof of the jugular foramen.


And,in the cistern, IX is often adhere to X.You can't tell IX from X.


But always in the roof of the jugular foramen,there's a dural septum between IX and X,

我们称下图这个结构为 舌咽道(glossopharyngeal meatus),舌咽神经穿行其中。

and we call this the glossopharyngeal meatus, a little cave that IX enters,

下图为迷走道,内有 迷走副神经 穿行。

and this is the vagal meatus that X and XI pass through the dural roof of the foramen.


And we blow this up, petrosal part, sigmoid part,

颈静脉孔的 中间部(intrajugular part)






And these are...what is that nerve?That's XII,and it enters a bifid hypoglossal canal when you see that usually the two bundles of rootlets join before they reach the extracranial end of the hypoglossal canal.


And then you can remove the jugular bulb from the jugular fossa.



origin of Jacobson's here,




cranial and spinal of XI,


here's XII passing through the hypoglossal canal in a supracondylar location


and they all join in the carotid sheath just below the foramen.


So you can get an exposure like this from the back.And here's just...you can look in paracondylar.We usually save some of that venous wall over these nerves. And,if you can do that, then you preserve usually preserve these nerves.


So, we're moving into this area of posterolateral skull base.We see the jugular foramen lateral to the anterior half of the occipital condyles.


And you see the jugular fossa on the lower surface, but the temporal bone,the sigmoid, the foramen is directed forward under the temporal bone.And it's larger on the right side usually.


The condyles are anterolateral to the foramen magnum from 1 to 3, and 9 to 11 o'clock.


anterolateral to the foramen magnum from 1 to 3, and 9 to 11 o'clock.


So that, if we look from below now, internal jugular vein,


some of the relationships on the front you have the carotid artery and, pathology out of the bone can follow the carotid.

这是咽鼓管(eustachian tube),颈静脉球区病变可沿着它向前蔓延。

Here's the eustachian tube and, pathology in the jugular bulb can follow the eustachian tube forward.


Laterally here we have the...what is that...facial nerve



Here we see XII coming above the condyle and joining the nerves in the carotid sheath.


And what muscle is this? Rectus capitus lateralis that attaches to the skull base.


And here we detach that muscle. We drilled out the occipital bone,condyle, part of it still here,hypoglossal nerve.We've drilled it out in a paracondylar approach to expose the back of the jugular foramen.


But we said most pathology in the jugular fossa extends forward down the eustachian tube,along the carotid,follows the chorda tympani,gets into the infratemporal fossa.





And you have the facial nerve directly lateral.So, for this we use a postauricular incision that you can fold this flap forward and follow the pathology anteriorly.

面神经,其位于颈静脉球、颈动脉鞘的外侧。下图示颈静脉球(jugular bulb)

And here's facial nerve lateral to jugular bulb, and carotid sheath.

下图示颈动脉鞘(carotid sheath)


So that, often this pathology will extend forward, you can follow it forward. Carotid going to middle fossa.


What nerve is that...that runs on the upper surface of the petrous carotid?GSPN.


And where infratemporal fossa and from there it runs forward in the...


that it's toward the pterygopalatine fossa that we talked about yesterday.


So, and just another view of this, the carotid inside the carotid sheath,facial nerve descending laterally.For these approaches we move the facial nerve forward,


and we wanna preserve the stylomastoid artery that supplies the facial nerve.


So we do a postauricular incision.


We expose the mastoid and do a neck dissection.


And here we turned up a little flap of fascia to use in closing the canal.Combined the two, we often have to resect at least posterior half of the external auditory canal.


And then we drill out the mastoidectomy that you've already done.


And, we have facial nerve descending lateral to the jugular bulb here it descends lateral to the jugular bulb that's in an infralabyrinthine position.

  Here's facial nerve

这是 鼓索
This is chorda tympani.

What canal? Lateral,posterior.


So you've already done part of this approach. But often, to get into the jugular bulb, you have to move this facial nerve forward. It's an anterior transposition.


If you save a cuff of tissue at the stylomastoid foramen and preserve this stylomastoid artery, usually you do this and there's no facial weakness.

Here, now we've freed up the facial nerve,lateral canal, and this is stapes here,

What bone is this? Incus,


What is this? Eustachian tube that opens forward. Jugular fossa pathology can get into the middle ear, run down the eustachian tube.


And you usually...we've resected the posterior half of the external canal, but to get forward on the bulb,and especially if the carotid's involved,you often have to resect the external canal,remove the tympenic membrane.


So that, this is the exposure. The bulb has been exposed now.You usually have to resect some of the ossicles.But we removed the facial nerve forward.If you leave the stapes in the oval window, you can preserve some hearing.


Here we see the petrosal part of the foramen,


here the sigmoid part of the foramen


and then in this notch, the intrajugular part, is where the nerves are going to pass through between the petrosal and sigmoid part of the foramen.


And the pathology in this area usually occlude the jugular bulb,so that you can ligate the sigmoid and internal jugular vein.


And you can look in behind the sigmoid and open retrosigmoid.


Here we see VIII, IX, X.


You can ligate the sigmoid and the jugular vein that are usually occluded.


And you can open it.And if you...once you ligated and resected this lateral half of the veining,you can save the medial venous wall,


then you can protect IX,X,XI,


what nerve is that...coming through between X and XI that's going backwards?That's...XII. It's gonna run forward to the tongue.


But if you preserve this medial venous wall, you can usually preserve all of those nerves.Here's the petrosal part of the foramen.


But if you have to resect that medial venous wall,and if you're wanting directly on the surface of nerves, then it's very hard to preserve these nerves then we could work at it. But,pull that medial venous wall comes up by the risk of the nerves greatly increases.


after the venous wall is elevated.Here's IX,the other nerves,


Here's the stapes still in the oval window, so,hearing is preserved.

