除了Say No,还可以这样礼貌的婉拒他人

日常交流中不可避免地会有一些需要拒绝别人的情况,但如果只用 “No, thanks” 或者直白地 “No way”来回答对方,不免有些生硬而且会比较伤害他人的感情。今天来看看我们如何委婉地用英语拒绝对方。

1. 如何婉拒别人的邀请而不伤害对方的美意:
· I’m afraid I can’t. 恐怕我去不了。
· Thanks for asking, but. 感谢你邀请我,但是…
I’m afraid I can’t go to the movies tonight.
Thanks for asking, but I prefer staying at home tonight.
2. 吃饭时,如果自己已经吃饱(或是不想再吃更多),若是主人询问:
Do you want more?你可以回答:
· I think I’m good. 我已经饱了。

sandwich ['sænwɪtʃ]
vt. 夹入;挤进;把...做成三明治
n. 三明治;夹心面包
Sandwich your refusal between two positive statements or compliments.
For example, let’s suppose that your friend wants you to babysit her two children on Sunday afternoon, but you want to spend the day relaxing after a tough week at work.
You could say,
“Thank you for asking, it’s always an honor to be trusted with someone else’s children! Unfortunately, I’m not free that day, so my answer has to be no.”

1. "You're an awesome person. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in dating you. Someone else is going to be really lucky to date someone with such a great personality!"
2. You are really a nice person. I’m interested in you as a friend. I like when we hang out in big groups together.

Positive Language Positive Mind Positive Life