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Cognitive function after surgery with regional or general anesthesia: A population-based study
方 法
结 果
与未麻醉组相比,同时施行RA(年递减率差为-0.041, P =0.011)和GA(年递减率差为-0.061, P <0.001)的患者术后认知整体z评分的变化率更大;但两者的变化率之间差异无显著性。对特定领域评分进行分析后发现,GA后记忆力加速下降(-0.065, P <.001),而RA则没有(-0.011, P =0.565)。

结 论
Sprung J, Schulte PJ, Knopman DS, et al. Cognitive function after surgery with regional or general anesthesia: A population-based study[J]. Alzheimers Dement, 2019,15(10):1243-1252.
Introduction: Our aim was to examine whether surgery with regional anesthesia (RA) is associated with accelerated long-term cognitive decline comparable with that previously reported after general anesthesia (GA).
Methods: Longitudinal cognitive function was analyzed in a cohort of 1819 older adults. Models assessed the rate of change in global and domain-specific cognition over time in participants exposed to RA or GA.
Results: When compared with those unexposed to anesthesia, the postoperative rate of change of the cognitive global z-score was greater in those exposed to both RA (difference in annual decline of -0.041, P = .011) and GA (-0.061, P <.001); these rates did not differ. In analysis of the domain-specific scores, an accelerated decline in memory was observed after GA (-0.065, P<.001) but not RA (-0.011, P = .565).
Conclusions: Older adults undergoing surgery with RA experience decline of global cognition similar to those receiving GA; however, memory was not affected.

翻译:唐剑 编辑:何幼芹 审校:王贵龙