中国有嘻哈 谁是大赢家

Singing competition shows have become hugely popular in China in recent years. But a new contender has jumped into the mix, and caused significant ruckus in the process – 中国有嘻哈, a.k.a. The Rap of China.
The show rolled out its debut to a large audience, easily breaking 100 million views in its first few days. The show’s success thus far in terms of viewer count and social media activity is solid, but netizens have been quick to question the credibility of the show’s judges and producers.
South China Morning Post/南华早报:
Hip hop fashion and streetwear culture, though popular in the West, have never gone mainstream in China. But that may be changing owing to a popular online reality show and rap competition called The Rap of China, which features four celebrity producers tasked with training and guiding a rotating cast of young competing rappers.
The first episode of the show, which is produced by China’s largest online video platform iQiyi, launched on June 24, drawing over 100 million viewers within the first four hours, according to local Chinese media. The average viewership of each episode is currently around 200 million.
One direct result of this wildly popular show is that a series of high-end streetwear brands, including Off-White, Vetements, Supreme and Raf Simons, have become household names among China’s millennials.

hip hop 嘻哈文化
rap 说唱
rapper 说唱歌手
contender 竞争者
ruckus 骚动;躁动
a.k.a = also known as 也被称作
roll out 推出
viewer count 观众数
solid 真实可靠的
netizen 网民
credibility 可信度
streetwear 街头风穿着
viewership 收看人数
household name 家喻户晓的人(品牌等)
millennials 千禧一代

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