剪纸作为中国最普及的民间装饰艺术之一, 寄托了辞旧迎新、接福纳祥的美好愿望。
Paper cut is one of the most popular Chinese decorative folk arts.
Traditional paper cut is also called “Window blossoms” because they were first put on windows for decoration.
Other forms of paper cut are derived from the “window blossoms”.中国各地在春节期间都要在窗子上贴上寓意吉祥的窗花。Window blossoms are put on windows in all parts of China during Spring Festival.这个习俗历史悠久,美丽的窗花不仅能妆点节日的气氛,还寄托了人们辞旧迎新,接福纳祥的美好愿望。This custom has a long history which not only brings festivity to the holiday, but is also a symbol for people to express their wishes for welcoming the new year, blessings, and fortunes.
There are different styles of paper cut in different parts of China.
Generally speaking, farming women from North China pay special attention to concept, so the design flows with their thoughts.
而南方剪纸玲珑剔透 严整优雅,以写实风格著称。
Paper cut in South China is well known for its exquisite, elegant, realistic style.
Therefore, northern and southern paper cut can be distinguished as free and rugged, or elegant and exquisite, respectively.This reflects the difference in disposition and personality between the northern and southern parts of China.Paper cut in Yu county, Hebei province represents northern style with its bright colors.
The paper was carved using a carving knife instead of using scissors.In the windows, the bright colors combined with light to form lovely patterns and shadows.首先要“设计”一个用作雕刻的模版,用笔仔细勾画出图案的线条。At first, a carving mold should be designed, and then the lines of the pattern will be drawn.然后把模版放在一叠纸的上面,再用各种不同的刻刀,沿着线条把图案刻出来。After that, the mold is put on a stack of paper and different kinds of knives are used to carve along the lines.
The last step is to color the paper.用白酒调配好颜料,再用毛笔均匀地涂在刻好的白纸上。/内容来自英语教学公众号Dyes are mixed with liquor and are brushed onto white paper.This procedure is called “smoking sample”.把剪好的模版用水蘸湿贴在白纸上,再用蜡烛的烟熏黑。The wetted carved mold is put on white paper and smoked with a candle.在复印机还没有发明出来时,剪纸艺人们就用这种方式来复制他们的模版。Before the copying machine was invented, the paper cut artists copied their carving mold using this technique.
This five-meter-long and two-meter-high “Nine-dragon Paper cut” is carved on one piece of paper.
It took eight artists four years to complete it.不仅九条神龙活灵活现,而且每一处线条都是连接在一起的。The nine dragons are not only vivid, but also each of the fine lines is connected.
The paper cuts have walked out from the domestic decoration to modern interior design.
The art form is reflected on trade marks, advertisement, interior decoration, fashion design, book binding, stamp design and cartoon books.
The theme is not limited to traditional Chinese life, but encompasses different cultural artifacts.
How to cut window blossomsLet me show the basic steps of how to cut window blossoms.The first step is to fold.把一张正方形的纸沿着对角线折成三角形,然后再对折一次。Fold a piece of squared paper along the diagonal into a triangle, and fold into another triangle.Window blossoms can be designed with irregular patterns.First cut an arch which will be the outline of the petals.After that use a pair of scissors to cut different kinds of curved lines and saw tooth.A half heart shape can also be cut.最后一步是展开,这个时候要轻一点,免得撕破较细的连接处。The last step is to open up with light touch to avoid tear the fine connections.然后轻轻展平,你会发现,所有随意的形状都变成了美丽的对称图案。
Lightly flat it, you will find a beautiful symmetrical pattern from a random cut.