


Cooling Edge Data Centers: It Requires More Thought



Massive color-coded pipes move water to andfrom the cooling equipment plant at the RagingWire Data Center campus inSacramento, Calif.

技术解决方案总监Jon Benson;MC / MUS销售副总裁Jack Kolar;TAS Energy的高级项目应用工程师Abhishek Banerjee着重介绍了多种边缘数据中心的冷却方法,从直膨式冷却系统、到冷冻水解决方案、自然冷却等。

Jon Benson, Director of Technology andSolutions; Jack Kolar, VP MC/MUS Sales; and Abhishek Banerjee, Senior ProjectApplication Engineer, from TAS Energy highlight a variety of dierent approachesto cooling for edge data centers, from direct expansion cooling systems, tochilled water solutions, free cooling and more.


The Setting


For many years, the data center industryvisionaries predicted that 2020 would bring us the ultimate data world: 5Geverywhere, 8K video streaming, billions of interconnected devices in a massiveInternet of Things, selfdriving vehicles, and more.


The promise of this ultimate data worlddrove these same visionaries to predict the need for tens of thousands of smalledge data centers installed at the edge of the internet – mainly at the foot ofevery cell tower and on many street corners.


This predicted demand triggered a rush tobring edge data center products into the market. This drove the decision-makingprocess to focus on form factor and speed to market.


This focus led to these questions: “how do we fit the most equipment into the smallest space possible?” and “how do we get this product to marketquickly?”


In contrast, the decision-making processused for very large colocation and hyperscale data centers considers manyelements down the fine details. These elements include providing flexibilityfor a wide array of power density requirements, planning a resilient powerdistribution solution, devising an efficient and effective cooling solution,building a robust and safe building, delivering the operation and maintenanceof the data center systems, and more.


In edge data centers, these elements areoften relegated to the simplest solution or the smallest form factor. Theelement often given the least consideration is the cooling solution.


There may be five or ten or more differentcooling solutions considered for a colocation or hyperscale data center, whereonly one is considered for an edge data center. This is often an afterthought,which is why in most cases, ‘attachment’ type solutionsare sought after, as opposed to ‘integrated’ type solutions.

DX, The ‘Common’ Solution

目前,边缘数据中心最常用的冷却解决方案是“直膨”(DX)冷却系统。从高端CRAC装置到简单的家用空调装置,这种冷却解决方案具有多种形式。该解决方案具有几个优点:较低的投资成本,几乎可以在任何气候下使用,零水消耗,几乎任何在线供应商都可以对其进行维护和保养。该解决方案也有几个缺点:具有最低的运行效率(PUE = 1.25~1.50 ),为未来的负载扩容提供了有限的灵活性(一个10 kW装置永远是10 kW装置),并且占用大量空间。

The most common cooling solution for edgedata centers today is the “direct expansion” (DX) cooling systems. This coolingsolution comes in forms factors from a high-end CRAC unit down to a simple homeair conditioning unit. This solution has several advantages: a lower capitalcost, it works in almost any climate, it uses zero water, and it can beserviced and maintained by almost any provider found online. This solution alsohas several disadvantages: has the lowest operating eciency (PUE = 1.25-1.50 ),provides limited exibility for future load growth (a 10 kW unit will always bea 10 kW unit), and occupies a lot of space.


The use of these distributed coolingsolutions provides a far better means for incrementally growing the coolingsystem to meet the scaling capacity from initial deployment to full deploymentof the ITE and beyond and to leverage these smaller increments to provideadditional resiliency in the cooling system.

随着行业继续重新定义边缘数据中心——现在涵盖从10 KW到10,000 KW 的范围,冷却解决方案的效率、有效性、弹性和灵活性变得越来越重要。

As the industry continues to redefine edgedata centers – now spanning a spectrum from 10 kW to10,000 kW — the efficiency, effectiveness,resiliency, and flexibility of the cooling solution take on greater importance.


This increased importance raises new questions:

l 边缘数据中心是否配备运维人员还是“熄无人值守”?

l Will the edge data center be staffed or “lights out”?

l 现场可以通过合格的服务和维护来支持哪些冷却解决方案?

l Which cooling solutions can be supported with qualified service and maintenance at the location(s)?

l 对于平均和集中功率密度需要多大的灵活性?

l What level of flexibility for average and concentrated power density is required?

l 考虑哪种功率负载增长能力?一段时间内的预期增长是多少?定义时间了吗?电力负荷增长的能力是什么?预期在一段时间内增长多少?时间有规定吗?

l What capability for power load growth is considered? What is the expected increase over a period? Is that time defined?

l 需要什么运营效率?

l What operational efficiency is required?


This elevated importance means morein-depth thought regarding edge data center cooling solutions and thesequestions will point us in the right direction.

Chilled Water Distributed Solution

当单机柜平均功率密度增加到10 KW以上时,或者存在功率密度集中的机柜时,边缘数据中心可采用分布式制冷剂或分布式冷冻水冷却解决方案。这些分布式解决方案在满足边缘数据中心更大、更多样化的电力负荷需求方面提供了更大的灵活性。这些解决方案还提供了利用水来显着提高效率的选择(PUE = 1.10~1.20)。

When the average power density cabinetincreases above 10 kW or there is a cabinet with a concentrated power density,the edge data center may be better served by a distributed refrigerant or adistributed chilled water-cooling solution. These distributed solutions providefar more flexibility in meeting larger and more diverse power loadingrequirements in an edge data center. These solutions also provide the optionfor utilizing water to dramatically improve efficiency (PUE = 1.10-1.20).

尽管分布式系统的资本成本稍高一些,但它们确实提供了更高的资产弹性。这种弹性体现在无需更换整个冷却系统即可轻松适应不断变化的需求。在分布式系统中,可以将特定的10 KW装置轻松增加到15 KW或20 KW装置,而无需完全更换该装置。

While the distributed systems are slightlymore capital cost-intensive, they do provide a far higher asset resiliency;this resiliency is borne out in the ability to easily adapt to changing needswithout replacing an entire cooling system. In a distributed system, a specific10 kW unit can be easily augmented to become a 15 kW or 20 kW unit withoutcomplete replacement of the unit.


The use of these distributed coolingsolutions provides a far better means for incrementally growing the coolingsystem to meet the scaling capacity from initial deployment to full deploymentof the ITE and beyond and to leverage these smaller increments to provideadditional resiliency in the cooling system.

‘Free’ Cooling?


A cooling solution that has become morepopular in the larger data center is the use of “free” cooling. This solution utilizes once-through ambient air to directlycool the ITE. This solution is often paired with direct water-based evaporativecooling when the ambient air is a bit too warm For a purpose-built edge datacenter located in a cool or arid climate, this may be a solution that isbeneficial. For a fleet of smaller edge data centers, this cooling solutionwill be far less practical due to the wide array of climates and the availableservice in many localities.


It is important to understand that “free” cooling is a lower energy option, not azero energy option. Additionally, “free” cooling will introduce new maintenance and air filtration issues toconsider; mainly is the location near plants or trees that release pollen,flowers, or fibers into the air or where dust or pollution will be in the air.These will factor into the “efficiency”.

High-Density Liquid Cooling

冷却解决方案还需要考虑其他因素,例如现在出现的超算解决方案,并有望在2020年及以后的未来计算应用中变得更加普遍。边缘数据中心将需要能够冷却40 kW或80 kW或200 kW IT设备的“机柜”—它们已经存在了。

There are other considerations for thecooling solution – those ultra-high-density computingsolutions that are here now and promise to become more prevalent in futurecomputing applications – those in 2020 and beyond. There will bea need for edge data centers capable of cooling a “cabinet” housing 40 kW or 80 kW or 200 kW of ITE – they already exist.

这些超算解决方案将需要先进的冷却技术。例如“芯片直接”冷却技术-将制冷剂,水或不导电液体直接通过管道输送到服务器机箱中的技术-或将服务器装入不导电液体中的全浸没系统。这些已经部署在边缘数据中心中,并具有提供最高的效率的额外好处(PUE = 1.05或更低)。

These ultra-high-density computingsolutions will require advanced cooling technologies. Technologies such as “direct-to-chip” cooling – one whererefrigerant, water, or a non-conductive liquid, is piped directly into theserver chassis – or a full immersion system havingservers loaded into a bath of non-conductive liquid. These are already deployedin edge-style data centers and have the additional benefit of delivering theultimate in efficiency (PUE=1.05 or lower).


The global pandemic of 2020 brought us arapid shift to “at home” everything(work, school, shopping, movies/video/music, and even virtual happy hours).This “at home” life reset will demand more data contentcloser to home —and that will provide growth for edgedata centers. There was an overnight shift in the data load from commercialsystems installed in offices, to the residential systems at home. Toaccommodate these sudden changes, it is imperative to pay attention not just tothe provision of lower latency, but also higher reliability of these systems.The cooling solutions for edge data centers require the thoughtfulconsideration required for this very important cog to make our new “at home” everything life seamless.

Jon Benson是技术和解决方案总监,Jack Kolar是MC / MUS销售副总裁,Abhishek Banerjee是TAS的高级项目应用工程师。

Jon Benson is the Director of Technologyand Solutions, Jack Kolar, is VP MC/MUS Sales, and Abhishek Banerjee is theSenior Project Application Engineer at TAS.


翻译:许磊 暖通架构师   校对:田瑞杰  高级暖通工程师、架构师

原文出处:DCF【Cooling Edge Data Centers: It RequiresMore Thought】



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