人文湖南 | 慢品社区老房子 · 孟波、严金萱旧居 湖南路8号
孟波、严金萱旧居位于湖南路8号,为现代风格的花园住宅,建于1930年。建筑为三层砖混结构,建筑面积290平方米,占地面积460平方米。东面入口门洞饰叠涩线脚,上有雨篷,南面二、三层设水平悬挑阳台,弧形转角, 大面积方形钢窗。




7月中旬,周恩来总理和陈毅副总理出访东南亚回京途中路过上海。于是,孟波马上召集相关人员, 紧急动员,确保演出成功。在文化广场,周恩来总理和陈毅副总理仔细地观看演出。演出结束,孟波等马上赶到文化俱乐部,倾听领导的意见和指示。
周总理说:“我来之前已听陈老总介绍了,今天特地来上海看一看。”周总理肯定了这台节目,但直言它的不足之处:“这台节目反映了中国革命斗争历史,气势宏伟。你们选择了不少群众喜爱的革命历史歌曲,听起来很亲切。有些场次如'飞夺泸定桥’等的舞蹈设计得不 错。可是你们没有写遵义会议,这是很大的缺陷。另外,历史的跨度太长,是否写到中华人民共和国成立就可以了。建国以后如何写,那又是一篇大文章,得好好研究。”

孟波、严金萱 (邬海佳画)▲
MENG Bo and YAN Jinxuan
MENG Bo (1916-2015) has his ancestral family from the city of Changzhou in Jiangsu province. He is a music composer and cultural activist. After the outbreak of the War against Japanese Invasion, he got to know some friends like L Ji, XIAN Xinghai and others,and became a major member of Shanghai Song Association. In 1936, he served as editor of Public Song.
Later he served as head of the resisting-enemy troupe of the New Fourth Army, teacher of LU Xun Art Academy at Yan’an, director of drama music library of the school and instructor of Yan’an Central Orchestra. After the founding of the New China, he served successively as chairman of the Tianjin Branch of Chinese Musicians Association, director of Guangzhou Culture Bureau, secretary of the Party Committee and secretary-general of Chinese Musicians Association, secretary of the Party Committee and vice president of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, director of Shanghai Municipal Culture Bureau and Shanghai Municipal Film Bureau, deputy director of the publicity department of Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC, vice chairman of Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, vice director of education, science, culture and health of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, and president of Shanghai International Friendship Association. The songs he composed amount to hundreds including Sacrifice Has Been to the Last Moment, Holding High the Banner of the Revolution and so on.
He also involved himself in the creation of the film literature script NIE Er and created biographical literary works such as A Biography of XIAN Xinghai and A Biography of Maixin.
YAN Jinxuan (1924-2014) has her ancestral family from the city of Guiyang in Guizhou province. She is a music composer and educator. In 1939, she went to Yan’an and studied in succession at Resisting-Japanese Military and Political University, LU Xun Art Academy and North China Union University. At that time she served as music composer, soloist, opera actor, violinist and researcher in Charge Theater and Central Philharmonic Orchestra.
After graduating from Central Conservatory of Music in 1952, she successively served as leader in the Children’s Art Theater of China Welfare Institute, Shanghai Yue Opera Theater and Shanghai Dance School. After retirement, she was hired as consultant of such organizations as Shanghai Art Education Committee and president of Shanghai Children’s Music Society. She composed music for 36 operas, dance operas, movies and TV plays such as the ballet White-Haired Girl and opera Shuangshuang and Grandma. Also she is the author of such books as Stories in Songs, Dream in Colors—Collection of Songs by YAN Jinxuan and Songs for Children.
The Origin of The East Is Red
—An Epic of Music and Dance
In June 1964 when MENG Bo was one of the main leaders of Shanghai cultural circle, he was busy with the Fifth Shanghai Spring and Advancing Triumphantly under the Banner of MAO Zedong, a large- scale singing and dancing program with some 3,000 participants. On the ofternoon of June 10, CHEN Yi, then the secondvice premier and foreign minister of China, accompanied Kawawa, then vice president of Tanzania, to come to visit Shanghai. The vice premier asked MENG Bo: “What new programs do you have to entertain our state guests?” The latter introduced this large-scale program. The vice premier said: “Well, take this program for entertainment.”
The next day, the vice premier said to MENG: “Vice president Kawawa was very excited after watching your performance. The program is very good. October 1 this year is the 15th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and very important state guests from many countries will come to Beijing. I’ve been thinking what programs we will perform to entertain them. Yesterday I watched the large-scale program ofsinging and dancing, which vividly reflects the history of the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people. Of course, whether it could be a performance at the National Day reception should be decided by Premier ZHOU.”
In mid-July, Premier ZHOU Enlai and vice premier CHEN Yi paid a visit to Southeast Asia and they passed by Shanghai on their way back to Beijing. For this, MENG Bo immediately called together people concerned and made an urgent mobilization to ensure the success of the performance. At the Cultural Square, Premier ZHOU Enlai and vice premier CHEN Yi watched the performance attentively. When it was over, MENG Bo and others rushed to the cultural club to hear the comments and instructions of leaders.
Premier Zhou said: “Before I came, I heard Mayor CHEN introduce your program. Today I came specifically to Shanghai to take a look.” The premier affirmed this program, but pointed out its shortcomings directly. “This program reflects the history of the Chinese revolutionary struggle and has its magnificent vigor. You have chosen a lot of songs of the revolutionary history which people like and sound very amiable. The dances of some scenes are well designed, such as those in the scene of “Dashing to Seize Luding Bridge”. But you do not have anything about Zunyi Conference, which is a very big flaw. In addition, the historical span is too long. You may as well have put an end to the program when the People’s Republic of China is established. How to describe the period of time after the founding of the New China is a big article and you must make detailed studies.”
Later, after the discussion, it was decided that the main writers, directors, actors, actresses, instructors and others of the large- scale singing and dancing program Advancing Triumphantly under the Banner of MAO Zedong would be transferred to Beijing. They pooled efforts together with those in Beijing to make re-creation and the title of newly created works was decided as The East is Red—An Epic of Music and Dance. Three months later on October 2, 1964, the premiere of The East is Red was held grandly in the Great Hall of the People. Since then, it got to become a classic of art as a masterpiece epic of song and dance.
信息来源:《200031 — 一个历史街区的文化记忆》