
From film goddess to princess


Instead of Jack Kelly’s affection, she had Hitchcock’s, who claimed that Kelly could practically read his mind.


When Kelly insisted that her character in Dial M For Murder wouldn’t slip a bathrobe on to answer the phone, the infamously hard-headed director agreed.


Something in her presence, her dark blue eyes, her broad forehead, her soft and precise way of speaking, made her feel like a voice worth trusting.


Or maybe her quarter-century of failures had earned her this streak of luck.


One night in Cannes, she and costume designer Edith Head vowed to gamble $10, no more, on the roulette wheel.


Head lost everything instantly.


Kelly waited and then finally put all ten dollars on the number 6. She won $350. “The luck of the Irish? My eye!” laughed Head. “She’s always right.”


Kelly threatened to quit acting if MGM didn't loan her to Paramount for The Country Girl, the film that won her an Oscar.


In it, Kelly plays the overprotective wife of Bing Crosby, a neurotic actor who forces her to fix his drunken mistakes.


She’s practical, sad and strong, a proud woman misunderstood by people who think she’s jealous of her husband’s talents.


The few audience members who knew about Kelly’s childhood might have shivered when William Holden’s misogynistic director growls, “With all your fine background and breeding you were a failure.”


But Kelly doesn’t flinch.


She slaps him in the face.


Her Oscar speech was typically concise at 32 words, half of which were, “The thrill of this moment keeps me from saying what I really feel.”


But her awards fanfare was smothered by headlines about Kelly’s impending marriage to Rainier III of Monaco, which would make her the most-titled woman in the world: two-times a princess, four-times a duchess, eight-times a countess, nine-times a baroness, 111-times a lady, and the most apt title of them all, Her Serene Highness. “I’m not impressed with royalty,” her father told the press.



Kelly and Prince Rainier’s engagement was so sudden that her mother first thought she was wedding the Prince of Morocco.


Earlier that year, Rainier had been paying people to introduce him to Marilyn Monroe.


He wanted a top-shelf US actress – who would then quit acting to bear him children, thus securing Monaco’s crown and tax-free independence from France.


“I regret I didn’t stick to it for another five years because I believe I might have made a real name as Grace Kelly,” said the princess a few years before her death in a car accident at the age of 52.


But she busied herself with charity balls and flower art and being the first woman on 20th Century Fox’s board.


And she directed the home movies she wanted to star in, happy footage of her three kids surrounded by love.


Her final Hollywood film, High Society, gave her a warm farewell.


Kelly wore her own engagement ring to play a well-bred Philadelphia heiress – a part that reflected reality, especially when, while wrapped in Frank Sinatra’s arms, she sighs: “I don’t seem to be made of bronze then?” Smiles Sinatra: “You’re made of flesh and blood.”


The end


