前面我们学习了英语语法:the Olympic games的用法、glasses的用法、arms的用法、stairs的用法、plastics和goods的用法、troops和manners的用法、brains和things的用法、名词所有格’s的用法关注微博:@读外刊学英语名词所有格名词属格表示名词在句中与其他名词的关系,其中最常用的是所有关系。1.名词属性的构成(1)’s属格2)-s或-es结尾的复数名词,在词尾加(’)。例如:The lawyers’ cars律师们的汽车The lawyers’ car is on the second floor of a multistorey car park.律师们的车停放在多层停车场的第三层。结构分析:The lawyers’ car是主语,is on the second floor of a multistorey car park是系表型谓语(is是系动词,on the second floor of a multistorey car park是介词词组,作表语,of a multistorey car park是后置定语)。The poet’s club诗人们的俱乐部They were frozen out of the poet’s club.他们被挤出了诗人们的俱乐部。结构分析:They是主语,were frozen是谓语,过去一般时,out of the poet’s club是主语补语。20210402作业:1. 翻译,并进行句子结构、时态分析。不规则变化的复数名词的属格仍是词尾加’s形式。例如:the children’s books孩子们的书I'm starting on the children’s books.英语外刊,精读练习:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。Shortage of COVID-19 vaccines has raised the stakes for persons who desperately want it, particularly for travel purposes. This has raised fears of fakery by elements in China as well as hoarding and extortion by local officials.【The Guardian】