
科进全球 (WSP Global Inc.) 总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔市,为多伦多证券交易所上市公司,其于2014年10月31日收购柏诚集团(Parsons Brinckerhoff), 现科进与柏诚合二为一,成为全球领先的工程专业顾问服务公司。


「科进│柏诚中国」在中国区拥有超过四十多年的历史,自上世纪七十年代起贯彻公司宗旨竭诚为各方服务,全面考虑经济、环境及质量效益,在中国内陆、港澳台和东南亚地区均享有良好的声誉。目前,「科进│柏诚中国」总部设于香港,并在北京、上海、成都、重庆、广州、澳门、沈阳、深圳、天津和台北设立分公司或办事处,拥有专业人才逾2600人。上海科进咨询有限公司 (Shanghai WSP Consulting Ltd.)是科进香港有限公司于2003年7月在中国内陆成立的地区总部公司,业务范围涵盖广阔的建筑工程领域,包括机电工程、结构工程、幕墙工程、土木工程、可持续发展、绿色建筑、建筑信息模拟(BIM)、岩土工程、性能化消防、能源与环境保护、交通运输规划、水资源管理等专业顾问服务。同时,公司亦参与化工医药方面的工业建筑项目。

现在,他们要重新思考预制模块化建筑了……based on light gauge cold-formed steel……基于轻钢结构体系。

As industry leading experts in off-site manufacturing for construction, WSP assists clients across the globe in developing new and modern methods of construction. From concept to completion our experts advise on every step in the project lifecycle. Whether using offsite for a full build or as a smaller element to cut costs and time.


Our aim is simple: to develop the most creative engineering solution of the highest quality.Our global experts use a range of digital engineering and offsite techniques and methodologies from simple compensation and panelization, through to fully fitted out volumetric modular units.We bring together specialist offsite and modular expertise usingconstruction materials such as precast concrete, cross laminated timber and modular steelwork and are well versed in all forms of traditional construction to enable us to arrive at the right solution every time.In North America, Europe and Asia we’re using digital engineering and offsite construction methodologies to address the needs of global urbanization and population growth to deliver much-needed housing and infrastructure.In the UK we’ve been involved for many years in the use of offsite and modular forms of construction, embracing design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) principles to develop and engineer new offsite and modular construction products and implement these across major construction projects.


