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Dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blockade: a randomised, triple-blinded crossover study in volunteers



方  法

采用超声引导下尺神经阻滞(罗哌卡因0.75%wt/vol,3ml,加生理盐水1ml,加或不加地塞米松4 mg),对24名男性志愿者进行3次尺神经阻滞,注射生理盐水1ml,加或不加4mg地塞米松。根据生理盐水和地塞米松的组合方式不同将患者分为以下几组:对照组,周围神经和静脉均注射生理盐水;周围神经组,在周围神经使用地塞米松,静脉使用生理盐水;静脉组,周围神经使用生理盐水,静脉使用地塞米松。根据针刺试验,用VAS测量感觉神经阻滞。感觉阻滞持续时间为主要观察指标,感觉阻滞起效时间为次要观察指标。

结 果  

24名受试者均完成了此次试验。感觉阻滞持续时间的中位数[四分位数间距(IQR)]分别为对照组6.87(5.85-7.62)h、周围神经组7.37 (5.78-7.93)h、静脉组7.37 (6.10-7.97)h (P=0.61)。三组神经阻滞的起效时间无显著性差异。

结 论



Marhofer Peter,Columb Malachy,Hopkins Phil M,et al. Dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blockade: a randomised, triple-blinded crossover study in volunteers.[J] .Br J Anaesth, 2019, 122: 525-531.

Background: The effificacy of dexamethasone in extending the duration of local anaesthetic block is uncertain. In a randomised controlled triple blind crossover study in volunteers, we tested the hypothesis that neither i.v. nor perineurally administered dexamethasone prolongs the sensory block achieved with ropivacaine.

Methods: Ultrasound-guided ulnar nerve blocks (ropivacaine 0.75% wt/vol, 3 ml, with saline 1 ml with or without dexamethasone 4 mg) were performed on three occasions in 24 male volunteers along with an i.v. injection of saline 1 ml with or without dexamethasone 4 mg. The combinations of saline and dexamethasone were as follows: control group, perineural and i.v. saline; perineural group, perineural dexamethasone and i.v. saline; i.v. group, perineural saline and i.v. dexamethasone. Sensory block was measured using a VAS in response to pinprick testing. The duration of sensory block was the primary outcome and time to onset of sensory block the secondary outcome.

Results: All 24 subjects completed the trial. The median [inter-quartile range (IQR)] duration of sensory block was 6.87 (5.85e7.62) h in the control group, 7.37 (5.78e7.93) h in the perineural group and 7.37 (6.10e7.97) h in the i.v. group (P¼0.61). There was also no signifificant difference in block onset time between the three groups.

Conclusion: Dexamethasone 4 mg has no clinically relevant effect on the duration of sensory block provided by ropivacaine applied to the ulnar nerve.




翻译:冯玉蓉  编辑:何幼芹  审校:王贵龙

