【口琴汇--搬运经典】Comprehensive guide totheCornerswitchingtechniqueVIII
Comprehensive guide to the Corner (or Tongue) switching technique
--by M.A. Weber
Corner switching is one of the most intriguing and important (but unfortunately also underrated) techniques to master on the harmonica.
There is quite an amount of frustration and practice required to fully grasp this technique but at the end it is all worth it.
Alan “Blackie” Schackner uses a very appropriate analogy in his book “Everything you always wanted to ask about the chromatic harmonica but didn’t know who to ask!“:
Alan "Blackie "Schackner在他的书中用了一个非常恰当的比喻 "一切你一直想问的关于半音阶口琴的问题,但不知道该问谁!"。

Also, John Sebastian Sr. wrote about it in his “Classical Harmonica Series” books (1-6):
另外,老约翰-塞巴斯蒂安在他的 "古典口琴系列 "书籍(1-6)中也写到了这一点。

ohn Sebastian, classical harmonica music series

John Sebastian Sr. describes the technique as right and left tongue blocking.
Well known harmonica soloists, like Cham-Ber Huang were big proponents of the technique and used it frequently. In the book “Harmonicas, Harps and Heavy Breathers: The Evolution of the People’s Instrument“, the Author Kim Field wrote:
“Cham-Ber Huang trying to explain the intricacies of tongue switching to me while rocketing us down the Long Island Expressway in his car”
His student Robert Bonfiglio can be seen in the following video giving a good practical insight of the technique:
著名的口琴独奏家,如黄湛伯就是这种技巧的忠实拥护者,并经常使用。在《口琴、竖琴和重呼吸者。The Evolution of the People's Instrument "一书中,作者Kim Field写道:
"黄昌伯试图向我解释舌头转换的复杂性 当我们开着他的车在长岛高速公路上飞驰时"
他的学生Robert Bonfiglio可以在下面的视频中看到他对该技术有很好的实际见解。
During this course I will point out some of the advantages of the technique, visualized by my proposed exercises.
Note: this course focuses on using a 3 octave chromatic harmonica. I am sure a lot of the below exercises can be repurposed to be used for a 4 octave chromatic or even partially for a diatonic harmonica.
It is important to understand that in order to master the corner switching technique one needs to be able to play equally well from both corners of the mouth using tongue blocking. That means, at least at the beginning of the process more practice will be needed to master musical passages equally well playing with the right and left corner.
Exercise I – Alternating between left and right corner switching
Exercise II – Practicing scales starting from channel 1
Exercise III – Interval corner switching
Exercise IV – Neighbor channel corner switching (NCCS)
Exercise V – Same channel corner switching
Exercise VI – More patterns/lines to practice
Exercise VII – Real world classical music examples
Exercise VIII – Complete example to analyze
Final Words
Exercise VIII
Complete example to analyze
This is the final piece of music for you to study. It has all the possible combinations of right and left corner switching over octaves as well as NCCS.
I transcribed that solo some time ago. McCoy Tyner is the soloist (sadly, he passed away this year – RIP). He is one of my favorite pianists and this is one my all time favorite solos. It is from the album “The real McCoy“.
This is one of the hardest pieces I ever played. Using corner switching made the job a little easier. You can hear the result in the recording I added at the bottom. There, I also attached the pdf version of my transcription to download.

Final words
This is the end of the tutorial.
I hope you enjoyed the exercises and can start to integrate corner switching into your harmonica playing. I also hope the exercises are structured enough to build up your skills. I am happy to share my knowledge with you. I would be glad for any feedback. You can write a reply below the pages.
Pretty early, I started to integrate the corner switching technique into my harmonica playing. But only in a very superficial manner.
I was mostly relying on the right corner. Only for bigger jumps I briefly switched to the left corner and then right back to my more comfortable right corner.
After years, I took it on me to force myself practicing only playing with the left corner until I felt really comfortable. It still took more time to finally incorporate the switching into my soloing.
Now that I internalized the technique it opens up new possibilities in my playing.
The flow of the music feels more natural since intervals do not interrupt the movement of the musical lines.
Don’t be discouraged at the beginning of your journey. It will get better every day and will be rewarding.
Happy harping!
Some info off topic:
I created a blog about the chromatic harmonica history. In 43 chronologically ordered articles I wrote about a wide variety of different chromatic harmonicas. Please be invited to check it out: