继续 在读书中发现地球与我的联结感 Reading this, I feel connected to the Earth ​

This original letter is again contributed by

People who love the Earth and books

Cover photo made by Hermione using Keynote


To whoever loves the Earth and books

昨天的推送(在读书中发现地球与我的联结感 Reading this, I feel connected to the Earth)已经详细介绍过这个活动,还分享了一些书籍,今天就继续分享我收到的读书人们分享的书!

正如我昨天强调的那样,这是一个没有截止日期、不限参加次数的日常活动。和我之前在三月份开启的#每个人的平等 (#EachforEqual)活动相似,只要你想到合适的内容,都可以发给我。


I already introduced this online event and shared some books yesterday, so today is the time to continue what I received from bookreaders.

As I emphasised yesterday, this is a daily event with no deadline, and unlimited for you to share. Similar to the #EachforEqual compaign started this March, as long as you come up with appropriate content, I am happy to receive.

Since putting together books will create an atmosphere that we are together because of books, I will put several books in one post. And for my Facebook, only the book models will get a post.




The Swarm




Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference



Nahes und Fernes Unglück

Author: Henning Ritter

德国作家 汉宁·里德 著

中文译者 周雨霏

分享者:三又木(现居 中国 杭州)

Shared by Sanyoumu (now lives in Hangzhou China)




Hermione's introduction:

Sanyoumu is a friend that many of my readers at GEO would be familiar with. She shared her readings with us before: 三又木的读书分享与Hermione的回应





I go back to the books I read and feel there is no particular one which makes me feel strongly connected with the Earth. But many science fictions I read have made sense the Earth Community. In many scifi, the future world is no longer defined by nations/countries, the unit has become much wider, such as a planet, and the story plot is mainly about the future of the whole humanity. And when I am writing this down, the pandemic comes to me, not China/US/UK and other countries are verus the virus, the fact is human vs virus.

At last, I would like to recommend a book from a German author Nahes und Fernes Unglück.The topic in this book is actually contrary to the theme today. It talks about that moral sense and responsibility in ordinary situations have certain boundaries. To put it simply, comparing to the disaster far away from us, maybe we care about ourselves and our surroundings. The author put in many philosophical thoughts and I found many of his quotes come from influential novels, in other words, this books is a collection of his reading notes. This is not a book that can be your life coach, but it leads me to think about myself and my surroundings.

(translated by Hermione)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/34876107/

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


this book has no goodreads page yet, so an alternative screenshot from:


(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


The Swarm

Der Schwarm (in German)

Frank Schätzing (German)

Sally-Ann Spencer (English Translator)

Shared by David (From Sweden)


Tips: This book has a translated verison in traditional Chinese]



Hermione's introduction:

David and I have known each other as peers in geography education research who share common ambitions for over five years. And until yesterday, when I received this book he wants to share, I got to know that we also share common interest in reading science fiction. ( I know Victor is into scifi  as we both like Star Wars). It seems like we geography education researchers can start a path to publicise on science fiction too. But now let us take a look at this book:

screenshot from: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68146.The_Swarm

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


The book is very interesting and mixes science and fiction. It get exciting and scary when the sea rebel against humanity

Photo provided by David on 23rd April 2020



screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/2243207/

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)



Anatomy of a rose: exploring the secret life of flowers

美国作家 沙曼·阿普特·萝赛 著

中文译者 钟友珊

分享者:Sharon(现居 中国 香港)

Shared by Sharon (Now live in HongKong China)



Hermione's introduction:

Sharon and I first met at the 2018 Annual Conference of Royal Geographical Society. And at that time we already felt we knew each other for long. First congrates to her as she passed without correction and finally get her Dr. title yesterday, which is also the World Book Day. I always feel that she brings healing energy to help people around her feel positive and warm, and taking a look at the book she recommends helps me undertand the source of her energy more.

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/27040498/

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


I’d like to share a book named “Anatomy of a rose: exploring the secret life of flowers” in brief.

In the first sense, you might notice the book as a popular science reading with a romantic flavor in botany. However, what I understand it is an encounter between human and the nature. Indeed, it tells the structure, the evolution, and the function of flowers. More than that, it arouses the affects of readers on the intimate feelings with the nature and the world. It is a cure.

Photo by Sharon on 24th April 2020



screenshot from: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1110737.Anatomy_Of_A_Rose

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference

Author: David Harvey

分享者:Yang (现居 中国 杭州)

Shared by Yang (Now live in Hangzhou, Zhejiang)


Notice: For now this book is not translated into Chinese yet]


我是通过Q学姐认识Yang学长哒,这对去年双双博士毕业的学术伉俪让我看到了博物馆教育和批判地理学未来有很多美好的值得期待的可能性。我大概猜到学长虽然博闻强识,阅读兴趣很广的他估计还是会考虑到我这个公众号GEO的受众,选一位地理学者,果然就是大卫·哈维了。建议可以和昨天提到的赵老师(豆瓣@短章)访谈一起看:“85后”的日常阅读 11丨赵益民:大卫·哈维的书让我感触最深

Hermione's introduction:

I know Yang because of his life partner Q, they together make an academic couple. They had their doctorate degrees last years and I can tell there will be more possible beautiful and promising futures in museum education and critical geography. As I know Yang well, I can guess that he reads very widely but would consider the background of my readers, probably would nominate a geographer's book. So here are, David Harvey. And for my Chinese readers, I would recommend you read an interview with another young scholar: “85后”的日常阅读 11丨赵益民:大卫·哈维的书让我感触最深

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/1800445/

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)


说到书的话,能直接想到的是David Harvey1997年的Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference, 挺老的书了。

算是讨论关于environmental justice的,关于how space, place and nature - in the geogrpahical sense - as the material fundation of everyday life are reconstituted, recontextualised, and represented by spatial practices.






As most of my English readers (my friends and colleagues) are geographers, I guess I do not need to say who is David Harvey (our rock star geographer). But for someone who does not know him yet, I would like to promote an attitude in reading a scholar's book:

The writing in the book, the concepts and ideas are helping you to think, not something you have to obey and accept.

screenshot from: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5399606-justice-nature-and-the-geography-of-difference

(time accessed: 24th April 2020)




Nahes und Fernes Unglück

Author: Henning Ritter

德国作家 汉宁·里德 著

中文译者 周雨霏

分享者:三又木(现居 中国 杭州)

Shared by Sanyoumu (now lives in Hangzhou China)


The Swarm

Der Schwarm (in German)

Frank Schätzing (German)

Sally-Ann Spencer (English Translator)

Shared by David (From Sweden)


Tips: This book has a translated verison in traditional Chinese]



Anatomy of a rose: exploring the secret life of flowers

美国作家 沙曼·阿普特·萝赛 著

中文译者 钟友珊

分享者:Sharon(现居 中国 香港)

Shared by Sharon (Now live in HongKong China)


Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference

Author: David Harvey

分享者:Yang (现居 中国 杭州)

Shared by Yang (Now live in Hangzhou, Zhejiang)


Notice: For now this book is not translated into Chinese yet]

