[第348次听写]猜猜Play Hardball是什么意思?
我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持快1年了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~
网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~
1 Ah. Hi, Mr. Costilick. How’s life on the 15th floor?
啊. 嗨. Costilick先生. 15楼的生活怎么样?
2 Yeah, I miss you, too. Yeah, it’s a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know?
嗯, 我也想你. 从自己家里偷钢笔实在不是那么爽, 你懂的
3 Well, that’s very generous. Uh, but look, this isn’t about the money.
哇, 那实在是太大方了. 呃, 但是, 这不是钱的问题
4 You know? It’s just…I need something that’s more than a job.
我需要一个东西, 它不仅仅是一份工作
5 I need something I really care about… and that’s on top of the year-end bonus structure you mentioned earlier?
6 -Your dream! -Look, Al, Al…I’m not playing hardball here, okay?
-你的梦想! -Al, Al…我不是故意要这么态度强硬的, 好吗?
7 This is not a negotiation, this is… this is a rejection! No…No, no! No, no!
这不是谈判. 这是…这是拒绝! 不…不, 不! 不, 不!
8 No, stop saying… stop saying numbers!
不, 别说了…别说数字了!
9 I’m telling you, you’ve got the wrong guy. You’ve got the wrong guy!
我跟你说, 你找错人了. 你找错人了!
10 I’ll see you Monday!
6 -Your dream! -Look, Al, Al…I’m not playing hardball here, okay?
-你的梦想! -Al, Al…我不是故意要这么态度强硬的, 好吗?
play hardball=态度强硬, 毫不留情
He’s a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.
还有一个短语和它相似但不一样, 也颇为符合这个语境, 是play hard to get
play hard to get表示欲擒故纵, 假装没兴趣, 但其实有兴趣