『雕塑头条』乃丁 Nedim Hadziahmetovic丨2018中国·铜川“玄奘之路”国际雕塑创作营入选艺术家


高蒙Gao Meng(特邀,中国)、坦尼亚Tanya Preminger(特邀,以色列)、林胜煌Lin Shenghuang(特邀,旅居日本的华人雕塑家)、田中Hitoshi Tanaka(日本)、皮特Petre Petrov(保加利亚)、卡门Kamen Tanev(保加利亚)、尤里Yury Tkachenko(俄罗斯)、瓦力里Valerian Jikia(格鲁吉亚)、崔绍东SoDong Choe(韩国)、金元根Kim Wongeun(韩国)、尤金Eugen Petri(罗马尼亚)、乔治Djordje Cpalak(塞尔维亚)、乃丁Nedim Hadziahmetovic(塞尔维亚)、阿依汗Ayhan Kayapinr(土耳其)、迦南Canan Zöngür(土耳其)、米格尔Miguel Isla(西班牙)、艾斯马勒Esmaeil Sahandiyan(伊朗)、蓝之峰Lan Zhifeng(中国)、邓善琪Teng ShanChi(中国台湾)、蒋楚Jiang Chu(中国)





Desert storm

Composition is figurative, expressive embodying horse and a human figure in one composition. The title and composition itself represent metaphor of a challenging voyage undertaken by Xuan Zang. It reflects all difficulties he encountered on 20 year long trip. The hostile territories, road bandits, desert extreme weather conditions… The composition has tendency to be both modern and using movement as metaphor, romantic as well, celebrating Xuan Zang achievement regardless of everyday obstacles on his voyage.

The horse and the man figure have no exact tendency for intimate description, they are fantasy projection of a legend of Xuan Zang and the encountered difficulties on his legendary voyage to India.

其 他 作 品





1997年毕业于(FPU)应用艺术与设计大学雕塑系,雕塑硕士,贝尔格莱德/ 塞尔维亚共和国

2002. MSZT成员 - MagyarSzobraz Tarsasag - (匈牙利雕塑家协会)


2008年.发起并成立了非政府组织Artbajter -Negotin。


2010年. ULUPUDS(塞尔维亚视觉艺术家和设计师协会)会员。

2011年. AIESSM(世界纪念雕塑协会)成员









- 2016年 塞尔维亚Nish市主广场的纪念性雕塑主题

- 2014年 塞尔维亚Požega市公共雕塑纪念竞赛二等奖

- 2013年 绘画比赛一等奖,奔萨/俄罗斯联邦

- 2012年 绘画比赛二等奖,奔萨/俄罗斯联邦

- 2010年 雕塑“Bonding”获柏林Neunhagen bei国际木雕比赛一等奖,柏林/德国

- 2010年 绘画比赛二等奖,奔萨/俄罗斯联邦

- 2010年 扎耶查尔市徽(造型/图形)公共竞赛一等奖,塞尔维亚

- 2007年 雕塑“Angel beginner”获ULSN艺术委员会奖,在ULSN举办的May revue展出,塞尔维亚内戈廷

- 2006年 为KESZ Ltd重新设计小型年度奖,一等奖和执行,塞格德/匈牙利。

- 2004-2005年 布达佩斯/匈牙利法国研究所的纪念雕塑“Nautilus 2005”的一等奖和执行

- 2004-2005年 特色漫画人物''Nyocker'',Lichthof制作,布达佩斯/匈牙利,2004年。 - 2005年。(电影在柏林,安纳西,蒙特利尔和纽约的节日中获得高度评价)。

- 2000年 苏博蒂察/塞尔维亚的LOW-FI国际低预算电影节美学奖,2000年实验电影“Irfan Muertes的葬礼舞蹈”。

公共纪念碑及参加雕塑雕塑创作营(ISS -国际雕塑创作营):

- 2018。Siac 3,Museo da Guarda /纪念碑铁/瓜达,葡萄牙(邀请)

- 2018。斯洛文尼亚(邀请)

- 2018。ISS Orkka,ISSA,纪念性的铁/赫尔加达,埃及

- 2017。斯洛文尼亚城市中心广场/铁和兵马俑纪念碑(邀请)

- 2017。第十八ISS长春,纪念钢铁,长春/中华人民共和国

- 2017。3个永久展出的作品(木材),文化中心“乔治阿普斯”,巴卡,罗马尼亚(博物馆驻地,邀请)

- 2017。第十四ISS斋浦尔,青铜,画廊大小,卡努纳克美术基金会博物馆/孟买,印度(2个永久青铜展品)

- 2017。第九ISS MKRRANA,纪念大理石/卡努纳杰克美术基金会博物馆/印度孟买

- 2016。第十四ISS摩桑博物馆“WCAS”,纪念碑铁/(邀请)博永,韩国

- 2016。第十七ISS长春,纪念青铜,长春/中华人民共和国

- 2016。第十二ISS KyZikos/纪念性花岗岩/埃尔德克,土耳其

- 2016。第十二ISS雕塑踪迹/纪念钢铁/ M拉达玻利斯拉夫,捷克共和国

- 2016。第九选择ISS/AUMMN灵感,雕塑公园“传奇”,纪念钢铁/奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2016。埃及奥斯塔卡、纪念钢铁/赫尔加达第七种选择

- 2015。第十二ISS阿拉尼亚/纪念大理石/土耳其阿拉尼亚

- 2015。第二ISS帕贾拉/纪念碑铁(邀请)/摩洛哥-西班牙富埃特文图拉岛

- 2015。第六ISS德黑兰-纪念性铁/德黑兰,伊朗

- 2015。第三届国际雕塑与绘画创作营“新海尔采格SAD”(邀请赛)/废铁/黑山新海尔采格

- 2015。土耳其ISS Kuzgun Acar(纪念性铁)/粘液囊的第五种选择

- 2015。第十六ISS长春/青铜(纪念碑),长春,中华人民共和国的选择

- 2014。土耳其LuleBurz的ISS青铜(纪念碑)第一种选择

- 2014。第十二卡斯兹艺术ISS创作营(纪念钢铁),凯奇凯梅特,匈牙利

- 2014。ISS GARANA当代艺术(Helcg Fun集合),蒂米什瓦拉,罗马尼亚

- 2014。第五选择ISS Ostraka(铁,石),纪念钢/开罗/沙姆沙伊赫,埃及

- 2013。第四选择ISS Ostraka(铁,石),纪念钢/沙姆沙伊赫,埃及

- 2013。第六选择ISS/AUMMN灵感,雕塑公园“传奇”,纪念钢铁/奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2013。第一ISS面罩的选择,废旧金属纪念大会/康纳克市-土耳其伊兹密尔

- 2012。第三选择ISS Ostraka(铁,石),纪念钢/开罗,埃及

- 2012。第一选择ISS Veliko Trnovo(铁,石),纪念铁/ Veliko TrNOVO,保加利亚

- 2012。第五选择ISS/AUMMN灵感,雕塑公园“传奇”,纪念钢铁/奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2012。第一Gabon国际木雕雕塑创作营在利伯维尔举行

- 2012。安山岩ISS/纪念雕塑创作营(安山岩/玄武岩)/罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉第一种选择

- 2011。第九Husein Gezer ISS /纪念雕塑创作营(大理石)/土耳其梅尔辛

- 2011。第四选择ISS/AUMMN灵感,雕塑公园“传奇”,纪念钢铁/奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2011。第十二届ISS/纪念雕塑创作营(长春)(青铜)/中华人民共和国长春

- 2011。第一届ISS/WORD纪念大会专题讨论会/丹麦洪讷斯泰兹

- 2011。丹麦ISS/Joe/He Jer学术讨论会第十九次选择

- 2011。第六IHP惠尔坎多夫,ISS/木材纪念雕塑/威尔肯多夫,德国

- 2010。第三选择ISS/AUMMN灵感,雕塑公园“传奇”,纪念钢铁/奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2010。第二十六届青铜学术创作营“铜器”RTB博尔和博尔博尔博物馆,塞尔维亚

- 2010。ISS /钢铁创作营“天使”,MiCEADIEESCU/港口文化鲸鱼基金会,Craiova Cetate,罗马尼亚

- 2010。ISS(国际木材纪念雕塑比赛),一等奖获得者/德国柏林


- 2018。“HOMO Gluteus”(循环)雕塑、绘画和绘画/ Br.Ko Ko区(邀请)、Br.Kyo画廊,Bosnia

- 2014。“欧洲”的绘画和雕塑展览的绑架案件(艺术家驻留计划),Art Galery Penza,雕塑公园的传说,奔萨,俄罗斯联邦

- 2011。“Fables of people” exhibition of paintings & sculptures (artist residency program), Art Galery Penza, Sculpture park Legend, Penza, Russian Federation

- 2008。《神话解剖》,雕塑与绘画展,Todorcetov konak画廊,塞尔维亚博物馆

- 2007。Sculptures and digital prints on subject Todor ( Walah mythological beings sharing roots with greek mythology, „Todor as Walah Centaur“ . ULUV画廊,诺维萨德/塞尔维亚

- 2007。循环“时间”。雕塑,通过时间的头盔安装,展示战争和在巴尔干半岛自亚历山大大帝以来的国家设置直到今天。塞尔维亚内戈廷克拉吉纳博物馆的图多西托夫科纳克美术馆

- 2007。雕塑、小塑像和圆形时代。法国文化中心贝尔格莱德/塞尔维亚

- 2005。小塑料,图纸。部分画廊(邀请),布达佩斯/匈牙利

- 2004。回顾展,雕塑,法国研究所画廊(邀请)/布达佩斯/匈牙利

- 2000。展览展出的“宣传画”,雕塑和分期小塑料'学校蜘蛛侠'。身体剧场,舞蹈团荚(Ana Halasz,埃里亚·阿尼,普雷德拉克拉基)和作者。音乐会议- Irfan Muertes管弦乐队。画廊73,贝尔格莱德/塞尔维亚

- 1997。“都市恋物II”,雕塑和小塑料。文化中心“斯蒂文莫克拉杰克”纽哥汀/塞尔维亚

- 1995。“都市恋物”,雕塑和塑料。在贝尔格莱德技术博览会上与MNEL有限公司合作。贝尔格莱德/塞尔维亚


Born on 22.01.1970. in Negotin/ Yugoslavia(Serbia)

Graduated in 1997.  Department of sculpture at (FPU) University ofapplied arts and design - Belgrade/ R. Serbia/ Master of sculpture 
2002.  Member of  MSZT – Magyar SzobrazTarsasag – (Association of Hungarian sculptors) 
2007- 2011.  President of ULSN (Association of visual artists of Negotin).   
2008.  Initiated and founded NGO Artbajter–Negotin.

2008. Coordinator for Municipality of Negotin for“International summer school of Art University- Belgrade”
2010.  Membership in ULUPUDS (Association ofvisual artists and designers of Serbia).

2011. Member of AIESSM (World monumentalsculpture association)

2016. AIESM manager for Serbia

2017. Art editor of “Buktinja” (TORCH) magazine for art & culture/funded by Ministry of culture/ Serbia

2017. member of ISSA

Awards and prizes in different visual media.

As professional artist worked in wide range ofvisual disciplines from sculpture, applied sculpture, graphic design,illustration & painting, animation and set design

Monumental sculptures in:
Germany  Russia  Romania  Hungary  Denmark  People’s Republicof China  Turkey  Serbia  Gabon  Bulgaria  Egypt  Spain  Iran  Czech Republic  South Korea  India  Slovenia  Portugal


Serbian- Croatian  English (fluent)  Russian (fluent)  Romanian (conversational)  Hungarian(conversational)  Spanish/Italian (conversational)  Bulgarian (conversational)


- Repurchase of monumental sculpture proposition for Main Square of cityof Nish, Serbia, 2016.

- Second prize in monumental contest for public sculpture, city of Požega,Serbia, 2014.

- First prize in painting competition,Penza/ Russian Federation, 2013.

- Second prize in painting competition, Penza/ Russian Federation, 2012.
- First prize oninternational wood sculpture contest in Neunhagen bei Berlin, for sculpture„Bonding“, Berlin/ Germany, 2010.
- Second prize in paintingcompetition, Penza/ Russian Federation, 2010.
- First prize onpublic contest for emblem of city of Zajecar (plastic/graphics), R. Serbia,2010.
- 2007. Prize ofArtist`s council of ULSN for sculpture ’’Angel beginner’’, exhibited on May revue of ULSN,  Negotin/ Serbia
- First prize andexecution for redesign of smal plastic annual prize for  KESZLtd., Szeged/ Hungary, 2006.
- First prizeand execution of monumental sculpture „Nautilus 2005“ for French Institute,Budapest/ Hungary, 2004. -2005.
- Characters forfeature cartoon ’’Nyocker’’, Lichthof productions, Budapest/Hungary, 2004.-2005. ( movie has been highly awarded on festivals in Berlin, Annecy, Montrealand New York).
- Award foraesthetics on LOW-FI International low budget movie festival in Subotica/Serbia,  for experimental movie ’’Funeral dance of Irfan Muertes’’ in year2000.

List of public monuments andattended juried sculpture Symposiums (ISS- International sculpture symposium):

- 2018. SIAC3, Museo da Guarda/ monumental iron/ Guarda, Portugal (invitational)

- 2018.Bober Kunst Bildhauer Fabrik/ Monumental iron / ), Križevci pri Ljutomeru, Slovenia (invitational)

- 2018. ISSOstraka, ISSA, Monumental iron/ Hurgada,Egypt

- 2017.  Monument for city center square/ Iron &Terracotta/ (invitational), Križevcipri Ljutomeru, Slovenia

- 2017.  18th ISSChangchun, Monumental steel, Changchun/ P.R. China

- 2017. 3 permanentlyexhibited works (wood), Culture Center “George Apostu”, Bacau, Romania (Museum Residency,invitational)

- 2017.  14th ISS Jaipur, Bronze, gallerysize, Kanu Najak Art Foundation museum/ Mumbai, India  (2 permanent bronze exhibits)

- 2017.  9th ISS Makrana,monumental marble/ Kanu Najak Art Foundation museum/ Mumbai, India

- 2016.  14th ISS MosanMuseum “WCAS”, monumental iron/ (invitational) Boreyong, South Korea

- 2016.  17th ISS Changchun, Monumentalbronze, Changchun/ P.R. China

- 2016.  12th ISSKyzikos/ Monumental granite/ Erdek, Turkey

- 2016.  12th ISS SculptureTrail/ Monumental steel/ Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic

- 2016. 9th   selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration, sculpturepark “Legend“, monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation

- 2016.  7th selection ofISS Ostraka, Monumental steel/ Hurgada, Egypt

- 2015.  12th ISS Alanya/Monumental marble/ Alanya, Turkey

- 2015.  2nd ISS Pajara/Monumental iron (invitational)/ Morro Jable- Fuerteventura, Spain

- 2015.  6th ISS Tehran-Monumental iron/ Tehran, Iran

- 2015.  3rdInternational Sculpture & Painting Symposium” Herceg Novi Sad” (invitational)/Scrap iron/ Herceg Novi, Montenegro

- 2015.   5thselection of ISS Kuzgun Acar (monumental iron)/ Bursa, Turkey

- 2015.  16th selection of ISS Changchun/Bronze (monumental), Changchun, People’s Republic of China

- 2014.  1st selection ofISS Bronze (monumental), Luleburgaz, Turkey

- 2014. 12th KASZ Arts ISS Symposium (monumental steel),Kecskemet, Hungary

- 2014. ISS Garana contemporary arts (Herceg Fondation collection),Timisoara, Romania

- 2014.  5th selection ofISS Ostraka (iron, stone), Monumental steel/ Cairo/ Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

- 2013.  4th selection ofISS Ostraka (iron, stone), Monumental steel/ Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

- 2013. 6th selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration, sculpture park“Legend“, monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation

- 2013.  1stselection of ISS Mask, scrap metal monumental symposium/ Konak Municipality-Izmir, Turkey

- 2012.  3rd selection of ISS Ostraka(iron, stone), Monumental steel/ Cairo, Egypt

- 2012.  1st selection ofISS Veliko Trnovo (iron, stone), monumental iron/ Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria

- 2012. 5th selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration, sculpture park“Legend“, monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation

- 2012. 1st selection of International wood monumentalsculpture symposium in Libreville, Gabon

- 2012. 1st selection of Andesite ISS/ monumental sculpturesymposium (andesite/basalt)/ Timisoara, Romania

- 2011. 9th selection of Husein Gezer ISS/ monumental sculpturesymposium (marble)/ Mersin, Turkey

- 2011.4th selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration, sculpture park “Legend“,monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation

- 2011. 12th selection of ISS/ monumental sculpture symposium Changchun(bronze)/ Changchun, People’s Republic ofChina

- 2011. 1st selection of iSS/ wood monumental symposiumOutstandings/ Hundested, Denmark

- 2011. 19thselection of ISS/wood symposium Højer/Højer, Denmark

- 2011. 6thIBHP Wilkendorf, ISS/ wood monumental sculpture/ Wilkendorf, Germany
- 2010. 3rd selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration,sculpture park “Legend“, monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation
- 2010. 26thselection of bronze symposium „Coper“ RTB Bor & Museum of Bor/ Bor, R.Serbia
- 2010. ISS/ Steelsymposium „Angels“, Fundation of  Mircea Dinescu/ Port Cultural Cetate,Craiova-Cetate, Romania
- 2010. ISS(international wood monumental sculpture competition), First prize winner/neunhagen bei Berlin, Germany
- 2009. 7thselection of sculture park „Теus“, ISS/wood symposium/ Caransebes, Romania
- 2009. 2nd selection of ISS/ Autmn inspiration,sculpture park “Legend“,  monumental steel/ Penza, Russian Federation
- 2008. ISSPlopeni/ monumental sculpture symposium, oak wood/ Museum Prahova amd Culyurecenter Plopeni, Romania
- 2008. Stone,Terracota workshop, School of University of arts in Belgrade, Rogljevačkepimnice/  R. Serbia
- 2006.International ceramic studio Keckemet, Terracotta symposium/ Kecskemet, Hungary
- 2006. 4thselection of „Steel“ ISS, KESZ ltd./( monumental steel)/ Kecskemet, Hungary
- 2004. 2nd selection of „Steel“ ISS, ./( monumentalsteel)/  KESZ ltd./ Kecskemet, Hungary
- 2003. ISS„Iron“, Museum of contemporary art / Szombathely, Hungary

List ofselected juried solo exhibitions:

- 2018. “Homo Gluteus” (cycle) Sculpture, drawings and paintings/ Galleryof Brčko District (invitational), / Brčko, Bosnia

- 2014. “Case of abduction of Europe” exhibition of paintings & sculptures(artist residency program), Art Galery Penza, Sculpture park Legend, Penza,Russian Federation

- 2011. “Fables of people” exhibition of paintings & sculptures(artist residency program), Art Galery Penza, Sculpture park Legend, Penza,Russian Federation
- 2008. „Anatomy ofmythology“, exhibition of sculptures and drawings, gallery Todorcetov konak,Museum of Krajina Negotin/ R. Serbia
- 2007. Sculpturesand digital prints on subject  Todor ( Walah mythological beings sharingroots  with greek mythology, „Todor as Walah Centaur“ . gallery ULUV, NoviSad/ R. Serbia
- 2007. Cycle ’’Time’’.Sculptures, instalation of helmets through time, demonstrating wars and setlingof nations on Balkans since Alexander the great till today. Gallery’’Todorcetov konak’’, Museum of Krajina, Negotin/ R. Serbia 
- 2007. Sculptures,small plastic and Cyclus ’’Times’’. French Culture Center Belgrade/ R. Serbia
- 2005. Smallplastic, drawings. Part gallery (invitational), Budapest/ Hungary
- 2004.Retrospective exhibition, sculptures, French Institute Gallery (invitational)/ Budapest/Hungary 
- 2000. Exhibition-happening ’’Propaganja pictures’’, sculptures and instalation of small plastic''School for Spidermen''. Body theatre, dance group POD (Ana Halasz, ĐerićČarni, Predrag Rakić) and author. Music session – Orchestra of Irfan Muertes.Gallery 73, Belgrade/Serbia
- 1997. ’’Urbanfetish II’’, Sculptures and smal plastic. Culture centre ’’Stevan Mokranjac’’Negotin/ Serbia
- 1995. ’’Urbanfetish I’’ Sculptures and smal plastic. Exibited on technology fair in Belgradein association with Minel Ltd,. Belgrade/Serbia

Juried Solo & collective exhibitions:
I had 11 solo and took part in many (over 50) juriedcollective (local and international) exhibitions in media of sculpture,drawings and paintings since year 1994.

