Leonard Cohen眼中的战争与和平
《Nevermind》出自加拿大民谣诗人Leonard Cohen 2014年的录音室专辑《Popular Problems》,是他在80岁高龄出版的专辑,也是他的第13张录音室专辑。在这张专辑中,他展现了一个长者看透世间芸芸众生的各种问题的智慧。五十而知天命,人年纪越大,就越spiritual。这张专辑中,Leonard引用的许多圣经旧约的典故贯穿始终,探讨了信仰和人生的归宿问题。

Leonard Cohen1934年出生于加拿大魁北克英语区的中产犹太家庭,从小受到传统的犹太教育。他的姓氏Cohen即是大祭司之意。他曾说:“我从小被教育自己是最高祭司亚伦的后代.”亚伦即是带领以色列人出埃及的摩西之弟,以色列第一个祭司。但是他的青年时代并没有恪守犹太教的条条框框。
60年代,他出版诗集小说,引起了不小的轰动,被称为“可能是加拿大目前最优秀的年轻诗人”。1966年发表小说《Beautiful Losers》(美丽失落者),因为其间大量生动的性爱描写篇章饱受争议。
1967年,是音乐史上最传奇的一年。The Doors,The Velvet Underground,The Jimi Hendrix Experience,Pink Floyd,The Bee Gees, Buffalo Springfield,Cream, Aretha Franklin, The Graceful Dead,Jefferson Airplane, Traffic, Frank Zappa,Scott McKenzie出道发行了第一张专辑;The Beatles做出了伟大的《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band》;滚石杂志Rolling Stone创刊;由Simon&Garfunkel配乐的电影《The Graduate》(毕业生)上映。同年Leonard Cohen由诗人摇身一变成为民谣歌手,出版了处女专辑《Songs of Leonard Cohen》,从此开始了他的音乐生涯,延续至今。

关于Leonard个人的信仰,在自由主义和佛家禅宗的影响之后,他在老年回归了当初的信仰。就像《Book of Mercy》(仁慈之书)中的50篇祷告一样,也像他的名曲《Hallelujah》一样。Leonard Cohen的Logo是由两个爱心组成的变形的大卫星,表达了他犹太内核和博爱。《Popular Problems》依然延续这一主题,《Nevermind》亦是如此。

The war was lost
The treaty signed
I was not caught
Across the line
I was not caught
Though many tried
I live among you
战争失败 条约已签
逃脱追杀 穿越边境
任尔寻觅 金蚕脱壳
隐匿敌中 完美伪装
I had to leave
My life behind
I dug some graves
You'll never find
The story's told
With facts and lies
I have a name
But never mind
被迫离乡 隐姓埋名
我设陷阱 等尔来投
事实谎言 昭示天下
反诬恶名 但是无妨
Never mind
Never mind
The war was lost
The treaty signed
There's Truth that lives
And Truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind
无伤无妨 无伤无妨
战争失败 条约已签
真相尚存 有些已毁
不解真相 但是无妨
Your victory
Was so complete
Some among you
Thought to keep
A record of
Our little lives
The clothes we wore
Our spoons our knives
你等功成 世人尽知
存留痕迹 吾辈曾生
生息繁衍 在吾故土
应许之地 绵延至今
The games of luck
Our soldiers played
The stones we cut
The songs we made
Our law of peace
Which understands
A husband leads
A wife commands
幸运眷顾 我军神佑
吾刻之石 吾颂之诗
和平律法 彰显如此
丈夫统领 妻子发令
And all of this
Expressions of the
Sweet indifference
Some called love
The high indifference
Some call fate
But we had names
More intimate
关于漠然 各有所解
甜蜜漠然 称之为爱
视下漠然 谓之命运
但有称呼 更为贴切
Names so deep
And names true
They're blood to me
Dust to you
There is no need
And this survives
There's Truth that lives
And Truth that dies
名刻我心 如此真切
血肉于我 尘土于你
无需再议 公道尚存
真相尚存 有些已毁
I could not kill
The way you kill
I could not hate
I tried, I failed
You turned me in
At least you tried
You side with them whom
You despise
我不杀戮 如你一般
拒绝仇恨 谈何容易
试图捕我 枉费心机
与鄙夷者 位列一处
This was your heart
This swarm of flies
This was once your mouth
This bowl of lies
You serve them well
I'm not surprised
You're of their kin
You're of their kind
此为汝心 蝇虱沼泽
此为汝口 谎言源泉
你和主子 沆瀣一气
蝇营狗苟 一丘之貉
Never mind
Never mind
I had to leave my
Life behind
The story's told
With facts and lies
You own the world
So never mind
无伤无妨 无伤无妨
被迫离乡 隐姓埋名
事实谎言 昭示天下
世界你占 但是无妨
Never mind
Never mind
I live the life
I left behind
I live it full
I live it wide
Through layers of time
You can't divide
无伤无妨 无伤无妨
重拾我生 不再背离
我生充盈 我生无涯
纵穿时间 你斩不断
My woman's here
My children too
Their graves are safe
From ghosts like you
In places deep
With roots entwined
I live the life
I left behind
吾妻儿女 深眠地下
我护灵柩 拒鬼如尔
恩赐之地 祖脉不断
重拾我生 不再背离

但是歌中的女声吟唱是阿拉伯语“Al-salam wa al-salam”,意为“和平,和平”。这也说明了Leonard的本意:阿拉伯人民也在呼唤和平。以色列境内穆斯林和其他人一样平和地生活。但是歌中的阿拉伯女生唱出了普通阿拉伯人的心声:为何不能共享?为何不能和平?非要杀戮吗?
这首歌反映了Cohen的核心价值观 -- 爱心大卫星:爱以色列,更爱和平。