'My phone is a lemon'和柠檬一点关系也没有!别在老外面前闹笑话啦!

In US-English, a lemon is a vehicle that turns out to have several manufacturing defects affecting its safety, value or utility. Any vehicle with such severe issues may be termed a lemon, and by extension, so may any product with flaws too great or severe to serve its purpose.在美式英语中,lemon指的是在制造过程中有缺陷的车辆,这种缺陷影响其安全性、价值或实用价值。任何有如此严重问题的车辆都可以被称为“柠檬”,引申来说,任何缺陷太大或太严重而无法达到其使用标准的产品都可以被称为“lemon”。


something that does not work



Only one of his inventions turned out to be a lemon.


为什么 lemon 还有这个意思?

To determine the root of the term “lemon” and its association with sub-par quality, we have to look back to when cars were invented.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, “lemon” was used to refer to a dimwit, a defective product, a hustle, and an item that has lower value than it appears. While there’s no official origin of this correlation on record, it’s possible that it referred to the sourness of a bad deal and the face-puckering frustration in brought.


These uses of the term “lemon” appeared in publications at the turn of the century, so in time it naturally began being applied to automobiles too.


In the 1960s, the correlation truly was cemented. The nation became more attentive to vehicular quality and safety, while Volkswagen printed its notorious “lemon” ad. Shortly after, states began passing what we commonly call “lemon laws.”


While the specific connotation of “lemon” continued to evolve into how we use it today, it has become most closely associated with the automobile industry.


❖柠檬法(Lemon Laws)是一种美国的消费者保护法,主要是在保障汽车买主的权益。柠檬法的名称由来,起源于美国经济学家乔治·阿克罗夫教授发表的论文《柠檬市场:质化的不确定性和市场机制》,在文中阿克罗夫用不同的水果代替不同特性的二手车,以香甜的樱桃与水蜜桃来譬喻车况优良的二手车,而用酸涩的柠檬来譬喻状况不佳的二手车商品。虽然当初阿克罗夫的论文主要是在讨论二手车市场的问题,但后来却被引伸,用来意指出厂后问题百出的瑕疵车,并且以这称呼延伸,替新车瑕疵方面相关的消费者保护法命名,称为“柠檬法”。


