Grainger Rickenbaker was more than halfway through his freshman year at Drexel University in Philadelphia when the novel coronavirus pandemic forced the school to clear its dormitories and suspend in-person instruction indefinitely.

Now at home in South Carolina, the real estate management major is taking his spring courses remotely and finding the experience lacking.
"There are two classes that aren't even using the live-lecture format," Rickenbaker said.
"It almost feels that I'm just tuning in for a podcast. It doesn't really feel like the full classroom experience."
Drexel administrators informed students last month they wouldn't be on the hook for housing bills or meal plans while the campus was closed. 德雷克塞尔的管理人员上个月通知学生,在学校关闭期间,他们不会为住房或膳食计划买单。

But there would be no discounts to normal tuition rates, the university said, despite the shift to e-learning, which is ordinarily offered to undergraduates at up to 40 percent less per credit, according to rates posted on the school website.
"Faculty and staff worked diligently over the extended spring break to develop engaging teaching and learning experiences to enable students to continue their studies," reads a notice on the school's website, explaining the decision to hold onto prepaid tuition and fees.
"I'm not saying that it's their fault. I love Drexel," Rickenbaker said.
"But I feel they should refund some of the money, because I feel like I'm not getting what I paid for."
Earlier this month, Rickenbaker signed on as the first plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit against Drexel, seeking a return of fees and at least a portion of the spring tuition he paid in advance.

More than a dozen other universities, including Michigan State, Columbia, Purdue, Colorado and Arizona State, are facing similar legal complaints from disgruntled students and their families, alleging there's diminished value in an isolated, virtual education.
"The university's economic challenges are no different and no more important than anyone else's," said Kelly Gibson, whose son attends Arizona State University and is one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the school.
"They have no right to keep money for services they are no longer providing."

A spokesperson for the Arizona Board of Regents, the governing body of the state's large public universities, declined to comment on the lawsuit.
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