This ancient city was once the cosmopolitan center for the Kingdom of Pagan. The first Kingdom to unify the regions that created Burma. The Bagan archeological zone is an ancient city located in central Myanmar. It is known for being covered in incredibly ornate temples, which stand out of the sweeping green plains and lush vegetation. This temples were built by the kings of Bagan between 1057and 1287. There were originally around 10,000. However, today just over 2000 remain in varying states of repair. The others have been lost due to Mongol invasions and in more recent times, earthquakes. The remaining temples are maintained and are constantly undergoing restorations to keep them intact for future generations to enjoy.
cosmopolitan: 世界中心的
ornate: 华丽的
lush: 丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的
intact: 完整的