


一幅画没有光与色,就像失去光辉的生命一样,缺乏精神和活力。光线和色彩是创作的重要手段,Atanas Matsoureff 藉由光线和色彩来传达思想和情感,以引起观众的共鸣。

Watercolor is a painting technique that offers infinite possibilities for artistic expression

and demands a great deal of attention and passion from the artist, Atanamasurif said.

The beauty of watercolor painting lies in the White, lightness, movement, transparency and bright color of paper. I draw from nature, bowing to the beauty and power of nature and the simple, mundane things around us. I try to grasp the spirit of every substance, to touch things beyond reality.

A painting without light and color, like the loss of brilliant life, lack of spirit and vitality. Light and colour are important means of creation, and Atanas Matsoureff uses light and colour to convey ideas and emotions that resonate with the audience.