【新刊速递】Security Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2021


《安全研究》(Security Studies)收录并出版具有创新性的学术稿件——无论是理论研究、实践经验分享还是两者兼而有之。安全研究包含广泛的议题,涵盖核扩散、核威慑、军民关系、战略文化、种族冲突、流行病与国家安全、民主政治、外交决策以及定性与多方法研究的发展。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,其2019年的影响因子为2.167。


【编译】杨紫茵 聂涵琳 常佳艺 胡可怡 李源

【校对】聂涵琳 胡可怡 杨紫茵 李源 常佳艺

【审核】常佳艺 胡可怡 杨紫茵 聂涵琳




1. 共和国的沙漠盾牌?放弃中东的一个现实主义案例

Desert Shield of the Republic? A Realist Case for Abandoning the Middle East

2. 更多疑问:RT、对外宣传与后西方世界秩序

Questioning More: RT, Outward-Facing Propaganda,and the Post-West World Order

3. 违禁品运输:各国如何塑造国际走私路线

Channeling Contraband: How States Shape International Smuggling Routes

4. 哈里发国之后的恐怖:ISIS失去对人口中心的控制对全球恐怖主义模式的影响

Terror after the Caliphate: The Effect of ISIS Loss of Control over Population Centers on Patterns of Global Terrorism


Control over Bodies and Territories: Insurgent Territorial Control and Sexual Violence



【题目】Desert Shield of the Republic? A Realist Case for Abandoning the Middle East

【作者】David Blagden,埃克塞特大学高级讲师;Patrick Porter,伯明翰大学教授。


Political realists disagree on what America should “do” and “be” in the Middle East. All are skeptical toward extravagant geopolitical projects to transform the region. Yet they differ over whether hegemony in the Gulf and its wider environs are worth the substantial investment of blood and treasure. Hegemonic “primacy realism” finds the commitment effective and affordable, and that Washington should stay to stabilize the region to ensure a favorable concentration of power. There is an alternative “shield of the republic” realism, however, which views the pursuit of armed supremacy in the Middle East as harming political order at home, reducing security more than generating it, and costing too much for too little gain. It involves interests that are either manageable from a remove or largely generated by being there in the first place. In this article, we lay out the latter position, arguing that the unruly Gulf is increasingly peripheral to US national interests. The region is losing its salience grand strategically, entanglement and continuous war damage republican liberties, and the calculus of whether continued hegemony is “worth it” has shifted decisively toward the downside. The time for abandonment has come.






【题目】Questioning More: RT, Outward-Facing Propaganda,and the Post-West World Order

【作者】Erin Baggott Carter,南加州大学政治科学和国际关系系助理教授;Brett L. Carter,南加州大学政治科学与国际关系系助理教授。



Can propaganda produced by foreign adversaries shape public opinion in a target country? We develop a theoretical framework to understand outward-facing propaganda, which many autocrats employ to shape public opinion abroad. We argue that beliefs about foreign affairs are more susceptible to outward-facing propaganda than beliefs about domestic conditions. Empirically, we focus on RT (formerly Russia Today), a media platform the Russian government founded in 2005. After characterizing its content, we ask whether exposure to RT influences the beliefs of American consumers. Exposure to RT, we find, induces respondents to support America withdrawing from its role as a cooperative global leader by 10–20 percentage points. This effect is robust across measures, obtains across party lines, and persists even when we disclose that RT is financed by the Russian government. RT has no effect on Americans’ views of domestic politics or the Russian government.






【题目】Channeling Contraband: How States Shape International Smuggling Routes

【作者】Max Gallien,萨塞克斯大学发展研究所和国际税收与发展中心研究员;Florian Weigand,伦敦政治经济学院冲突与公民社会研究中心研究员。



Although smuggling is commonly assumed to happen in remote and difficult-to-access borderlands, in reality, smuggling is most prevalent in areas that states tightly control, including at formal border crossings. To understand this puzzle, this article explores the relationship between states and smugglers at international borders. Based on extensive empirical research in various borderlands in North Africa and Southeast Asia, it argues that different kinds of smugglers prefer different types of relationships with the state. The article outlines six ideal types of such relationships. It contends that these types of relationships are the dominant factor in how different smuggling networks choose routes along a border. The findings have implications for our understanding of smuggling and policies that aim at addressing smuggling, especially regarding the effects of border fortifications and corruption prevention.






【题目】Terror after the Caliphate: The Effect of ISIS Loss of Control over Population Centers on Patterns of Global Terrorism

【作者】James A. Piazza,宾夕法尼亚州立大学教授;Ahmet Guler,宾夕法尼亚州立大学犯罪学助理教授。

【摘要】学者们认为,伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国(ISIS)在失去对构成其自称的 “哈里发国”的伊拉克和叙利亚主要人口中心的控制后,对此的回应方式是将其恐怖暴力模式国际化,在国外实施更高调的袭击,并充分利用在他国的宗派冲突。在这项研究中,作者检验了这种传统观点,并从理论层面上说明人口中心的丧失促使ISIS在国外进行更多的攻击、将其攻击地点转移到国外并在国外造成更大的伤亡。利用ISIS对主要城市控制的原始时间序列数据,作者为其理论假设提供了实证支持。

Experts opine that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) responded to its loss of control over major population centers in Iraq and Syria that constituted its self-described “caliphate” by internationalizing its patterns of terrorist violence, committing higher-profile attacks abroad, and exploiting sectarian conflicts in other countries. In this study, we test this conventional wisdom. We theorize that the loss of population centers prompted ISIS to conduct more attacks abroad, to shift its attack venues abroad, and to cause higher casualties abroad. Using original time series data on ISIS control over major cities, we find empirical support for our theoretical assumptions.






【题目】Control over Bodies and Territories: Insurgent Territorial Control and Sexual Violence

【作者】Victor Asal,纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校教授;Robert U. Nagel,乔治敦大学妇女、和平与安全研究所博士后研究员。

【摘要】尽管流行“强奸是一种战争武器”的说法,但研究表明,只有少数叛乱团体在武装冲突中实施了性暴力。本文认为,领土控制是一个被忽视的因素,它会增加一个团体实施性暴力的可能性,主要有两个原因:第一,寻求建立领土控制的叛乱团体更有可能实施性暴力;第二,寻求维持领土控制的团体通过暴力地控制人口资本、性资本和生殖资本来模仿国家行为,具体表现为强迫招募和不同形式的性暴力, 包括强奸和性奴役。借助武装冲突中的性暴力(SVAC)以及大联盟和危险叛乱分子II(BAADI2)数据库,本文系统地检验了上述论点。检验结果为该论点提供了有力的支持,有利于我们进一步了解与冲突有关的性暴力和叛乱统治。

Despite the popular narrative of “rape as a weapon of war,” research shows that only a minority of insurgent groups perpetrate sexual violence in armed conflict. We argue that territorial control is an overlooked factor that can increase the likelihood a group commits sexual violence for two primary reasons: (1) rebel groups seeking to establish control over territory are more likely to commit sexual violence; and (2) groups seeking to maintain territorial control emulate state behavior through violently controlling human, sexual, and reproductive capital, which manifests in forced recruitment and different forms of sexual violence, including rape and sexual slavery. We systematically test this argument using the Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) and the Big Allied and Dangerous Insurgent II (BAADI2) datasets. The results provide robust support for the argument. This constitutes an important addition to our understanding of conflict-related sexual violence and rebel governance.





