上海蟠龙天地 / Sasaki 

Thanks Sasaki for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sasaki.


Sasaki: Shanghai’s evolution into a globally-influential metropolis is extraordinary, and its identity as a hub of commerce is a symbol of contemporary China. Like many major cities experiencing significant growth, some of Shanghai’s progress has been at the expense of its historic assets, many of which remain only in photographs and memory.

▼蟠龙天地为上海历史水乡新添活力与生机,既致敬文化传承,又彰显以景观为主的新水乡内涵 Panlong Tiandi adds new vibrancy to one of Shanghai’s historic water towns, respecting its legacy while establishing a new identity centered in the landscape.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

在中国各地拥有近二十年对文化历史建筑改造利用成商业物业开发经验的瑞安房地产,联袂Sasaki、Ben Woods上海工作室和天华建筑设计公司,共同打造蟠龙天地总体规划项目,致力于将其转变为别具特色的文化社交目的地,并通过全新方式构建公共空间以及支持多元社区的便利设施,再现该地区的文化经典。

Shifting this narrative and building upon nearly two decades of expertise with the adaptive reuse of culturally sensitive sites throughout China, developer Shui On Land engaged Sasaki alongside collaborators Ben Woods Studio Shanghai and Tianhua Architecture & Engineering to lead the design of Panlong Tiandi, transforming it into a vibrant mixed-use district guided by a celebration of its heritage, an inventive approach to public space, and a host of amenities that support a diverse community.

▼这片区域以公共交通运输为导向,位于国家会展中心以西一站处,与周边环境相辅相成,形成了商业和文化枢纽 Located one metro stop west of China’s National Exhibition and Convention Center, the transit-oriented district compliments and serves as a commercial and cultural hub for nearby destinations.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki


Panlong is one of China’s ancient water towns, many of which are located in the greater Shanghai metro area and throughout Zhejiang Province. Originally built over 700 years ago, Panlong’s urban form is typical of the region’s ancient vernacular, with historic buildings straddling both sides of a canal and bridges providing critical pedestrian links across. Beginning with a strategy for the adaptive reuse of the historic village core, the design team outlined a conservation plan that maintained the ancient urban fabric. Existing alleyways, narrow streets, and other key features of the public realm were also retained, and new streets were carefully aligned to respect the integrity of the old town.

▼蟠龙天地旨在成为上海市区内的新胜地,其规划设计既凸显景观特色,又传承悠久文化历史 Positioned as a new urban destination to serve all of Shanghai, Panlong Tiandi was programmed and organized to prioritize the landscape alongside its rich cultural history.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

▼总体规划将古镇中心的步道延至周边城区,这个策略也吸引游客从几个主要入口进入公园,一路漫步到古镇中心 The master plan was structured to extend the pedestrian street of the historic core into the surrounding urban context. This strategy draws visitors through the park into the center from key access points.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki


This approach established extraordinary synergies between historic preservation and real estate development, creating a mix of cultural, lifestyle, and entertainment destinations at the core, with a residential neighborhood that provides additional vibrancy beyond. Detailed massing studies of the residential district led to a careful arrangement that reduced visual impacts. Cascading setbacks from the center of the village ensured that new buildings would not cast shadows or obstruct views from within the historic core. The result is an eclectic neighborhood that is not treated like a museum, but rather perpetuates its history through new and creative uses.

▼创新的公共空间和量身定做的配套设施,服务充满活力的社群并提供多元化体验 An inventive approach to public space and bespoke amenities support a vibrant community with diverse experiences.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

▼经过一连串的体量研究,周边增加的建筑物不会造成古镇内的视线冲击 A series of careful massing studies ensured that new buildings were sited such that they would not obstruct views from within the historic core.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

蟠龙天地在这过去曾经是上海城市近郊的地段, 扮演了主要的城市目的地。随着虹桥商务区的发展,对望国家会展中心,紧邻地铁17号线蟠龙路站,2站即达虹桥综合交通枢纽和国际机场。


Although once considered at the fringe of Shanghai, Panlong Tiandi is an urban destination amidst its suburban context. Strategically situated along metro line 17, Panlong is one stop west of the new National Exhibition and Convention Centre, and two stops from the Hongqiao railway station and Hongqiao International Airport.

Convenient access to transit and a dense and walkable urban form contribute to reduced transportation-related carbon emissions, and are one of many strategies leading to Panlong Tiandi’s objective of setting a new paradigm for sustainable urban development. Other features of the development include reuse of building materials leading to a reduction in the project’s overall embodied carbon, and limiting stormwater runoff with a landscape that prioritizes filtration and groundwater recharge.

▼河畔的空间回应了亲水设施与功能,除了加强连通性,还打通整条滨水步道 Edge conditions along the canal responds to adjacent program, improves accessibility, and creates a contiguous pedestrian waterfront.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

▼总体设计方案将过去定义上的城市缓冲带空间改造为可容纳各类活动项目的户外休闲场所,与蟠龙的悠久历史交织在一起 The plan transforms the traditionally underutilized edges into a public park brimming with programming and activity that is interwoven with the rich history of Panlong.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

▼整个项目也被称为“公园中的新天地”,以丰富的景观奠定了蟠龙天地的新江南人文内涵 Colloquially referred to as“Xintiandi in the Park”Panlong Tiandi reflects the importance of the landscape to Panlong’s renewed identity.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki


One of the most significant features of Panlong Tiandi is the generous public landscape surrounding the historic core. Viewing the large setback requirement as an opportunity, Sasaki’s design challenged the typical approach to Shanghai’s ubiquitous buffer landscape condition by rethinking it as a central feature of the development. This bold move repositioned what is traditionally underutilized space into a public park brimming with programming and activity that is interwoven with the rich history of Panlong.

▼四季花园的设计灵感来自于《蟠龙镇志》文史资料中对于场地的描述 The Seasonal Flower Park is one of the reimagined scenes inspired by historical accounts from the Panlong Chronicle.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

▼人们可尽情开展亲子活动,探索大自然的奥妙, 享受区域里大量的开放空间资源 Family activities and nature-based exploration take advantage of the district’s abundant open space.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki

整个项目也被称为“公园中的新天地”,以丰富的景观奠定了蟠龙天地的新江南人文内涵。设计团队围绕Culture(文化唤醒)、Nature(自然融合)、Future(城市焕新)三大核心信念为公园的设计提供了灵感。首先,是对《蟠龙镇志》中记载的“蟠龙十景”进行全新诠释, 从布局规划到植被设计。其次打造的是约2.5公里的环形主步道“蟠龙道”,这是由古镇修复过程中剩余的屋顶瓦片建造而成,它将八个特色各异的主题公园相互串联。

As a result, the new development is colloquially referred to as “Xintiandi in the Park” reflecting the importance of the landscape to Panlong’s renewed identity. Three main elements provided the inspiration for the park’s design. The first is a contemporary reinterpretation of the 10 Scenes of Panlong as documented in the Panlong Chronicles, which informed spatial organization and planting selection. The second was the creation of “Panlong Dao”, which is a journey through the park’s various landscape typologies via a path constructed from reused roofing tiles left over from the renovation of the village.

▼空中林间步道不仅使行人能以独特的视角俯瞰古镇,还可借此机会尽情沉浸于大自然 An elevated canopy walk provides a unique perspective of the old town from the treetops, while also providing an opportunity to become immersed in nature.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki


Finally, the canopy walk is a unique element which takes advantage of the park’s micro terrain to provide an elevated perspective of the village and the park below as well as up close observation of the diverse planting from a rare vantage point. Connecting the park to the historic core, entry points from the surrounding landscape are strategically aligned to guide pedestrians towards smaller public spaces within the village. These smaller pocket parks provide a contrast to the grand landscape enveloping the old town and offer flexible event and social spaces, act as helpful orientation points, and provide breathing room within the compact urban fabric.

▼蟠龙天地在历史遗产保护、活化再利用和房地产开发之间建立了共生合作的方式,创造出上海独一无二集文化、生活方式和娱乐为一体的胜地 Panlong Tiandi establishes extraordinary synergies between historic preservation, adaptive reuse, and real estate development, creating a cultural, lifestyle, and entertainment destination unlike any other in Shanghai.

Images Courtesy of Sasaki


Shanghai has always been a forward-looking city, open to new ideas and willing to reinvent itself to achieve greatness. But sometimes successful ideas can come from a careful examination of the past with an eye towards repurposing what already remains as a catalyst for the future. Panlong Tiandi is an appreciation of what our ancestors left us, and a celebration of their contribution by repurposing their legacy for the enjoyment of future generations.

规模:55 公顷(蟠龙公园 22公顷)
合作团队:古镇商业建筑师:Studio Shanghai ;住宅建筑师:天华建筑设计公司;当地景观建筑师:华东建筑设计研究院
现况:总体规划 2015 年完成 (蟠龙公园建设中)

Client: Shui On Land
Size: 55 Hectares (Panlong Park 22 Hectares)
Team: Ben Woods Studio Shanghai ; Tianhua Architecture & Engineering ; ECADI
Services: Landscpae Architecture/Planning and Urban Design
Status: Master Plan (Completed 2015) ; Panlong Park (Under construction)

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