

6.1.P Is there a procedure for CAD / CAM data processing? YES/NO


6.1.C If there are modifications of the input CAD data for the etching process, are these modifications documented? YES/NO/N/A

6.2.C If there are modifications of the input CAD data for outer and inner photoprocess, are these modifications documented or automated? YES/NO/N/A

6.3.C If required by Customer, was approval granted prior to implementation of CAD / CAM changes beyond standard fabrication allowance? YES/NO/N/A

6.4.C Are the parameters clearly stated on the CAD / CAM instructions for material growth/shrink? YES/NO

6.5.C Do the parameters for panel configuration have clearly defined origins and offsets? YES/NO

6.6.C If required by the Customer is there a check within the CAD/CAM process for prevention of unauthorized removal of non-functional lands? YES/NO/N/A

6.7.C If required by the Customer, has authorization for approval been granted for teardrop / fillet adaptation? YES/NO


7.1 General

7.1.1.P If the extension of shelf life for any material is allowed, is there a procedure which defines the controls and limits for extension? YES/NO/N/A

7.1.2.P Is there a procedure for the monitoring and control of humidity and temperature which includes limits and defined corrective actions? YES/NO Is there a procedure for corrective action for when the defined limits for the control of humidity and temperature have been exceeded? YES/NO


7.1.1.C Is there evidence of compliance to the shelf life management procedure? YES/NO

7.1.2.C Is the lot number traceable to the traveler for all material constituting the PB? YES/NO

7.1.3.C Is the storage of different materials separated to avoid cross contamination? YES/NO

7.2 Base Laminate N/A

7.2.1.P Is there a procedure for the selection and control of laminate material to meet Customer requirements? YES/NO

Base Laminate COMPLIANCE

7.2.1.C Is there objective evidence that selection of material meets Customer requirements? YES/NO

7.3 B-Stage N/A

7.3.1.P If B-Stage shelf life is extended, is there a procedure that defines control for extension of shelf life and requires a minimum of prepreg Scaled Flow Testing per IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.38A or Gel Time per IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.18A to be performed to verify acceptability for use? YES/NO/N/A

Audit Note: N/A applies if no B-Stage shelf life extension is allowed.

7.3.2.P Is there a procedure which addresses acclimation to the point- of- use environment of material prior to processing? YES/NO


7.3.1.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the temperature and humidity readings?YES/NO

7.3.2.C Is the environmental temperature monitored and controlled? YES/NO

7.3.3.C If environmental temperature is above 5 °C, is humidity level monitored and controlled? YES/NO/N/A

7.3.4.C Are the materials identified with expiration dates based on manufacture date? YES/NO

7.3.5.C Is there evidence that the storage practices and the indicated B-stage shelf life dates are in accordance with the procedure? YES/NO

7.3.6.C If there are different resins used, are they segregated? YES/NO/N/A

7.3.7.C Is material in the prepreg storage area protected from direct exposure to sun light? YES/NO

7.3.8.C Is the procedure for acclimation of B-Stage material before use being followed? YES/NO

7.3.9.C If shelf life is extended, is there evidence that prepreg Scaled Flow Testing per IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.38A or Gel Time per IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.18A for the B-Stage material has been performed and met the acceptance criteria? YES/NO/N/A

