


What experience impressed you most?Of all time(一直以来) all your life?
One particular experience.
An experiences that impacted my life? I think the biggest experience that impacted my life has to be...that's a good one. I can think of maybe two or three, but I think it has to choose just one. The biggest impact on my life now is probably my first day at university, I think. Because like before then I was like really nervous. But then when I went to university, I was like moved into the house with lots of people, and then I became confident and then independent. So since then, my life now has kind of started from that, I guess. Yeah, I think that's probably like maybe the biggest impact on my life. That's a good question. I love that question. I love it when people let me think.


So you moved into a dormitory or an apartment?
I moved into a house, I shared a house because when I applied...In England, you apply in December, but you don't go until the next September. So it's like nine months before you go to university. And then when I got my exam results in August, I did better than I thought. So I changed the university, but all of the dormitories had gone already. So I had to share a house with some other students.That's right, like a private renting. But I was only eighteen. I was like, oh, what am I doing? What's happening?


So you've lived in their house for four years?
Yes, I stayed three years because the bachelor degree (学士学位) is three years in England. Then I moved away and then I moved back to the UK. So it kind of all started from that moment honestly, the big moment for me, I guess.


Yeah, that should be. The first day. I was so nervous, too.
Yeah, I know it’s horrible, isn't it? It's like a very big worry that you kind of feel sick inside, don’t you?


Yes. It's a good memory.
I studied economics. So it was like specifically economics. The first year it was kind of like a general, like different types of economics. And then in the second year, you get to choose like the specific modules (单元/模块) and the kind of the focus. So as I went on, I focused on like... there's something called game theory (博弈论). Have you heard a game theory?


It's about how people make decisions. But the idea is that people make the perfect decision for themselves. But in reality, actually they don't. You know, people make the wrong decisions a lot of time. So it's kind of like trying to guess what the other person is going to do.


It's a little bit psychological.
It’s like kind of more psychology rather than... Because if you go into economics, you could study something more like business or more accounting or numbers...
Yeah, marketing as well. But I kind of chose like this psychology, like the human thinking side of it.
It’s about the idea of basically simply people are selfish and people are not clever. That's basically the two conclusions from it. People don't make the right decision sometimes.


Because of what?
Because they don't think ahead, and because maybe they don't think of the bigger picture. So for example, try to think of a really simple example, if you could choose like maybe two people can be better off if they work together, but they don't. Because they work and they are only thinking about themselves. But actually if you and I went into business together, maybe we could make lots of money or I could work on my own and I can make a little bit less money. And a lot of people choose the independent way of getting their own money, even though if they work together, they could earn more.
I mean, it gets quite complicated. The problem with economics is that everything is...they simplify everything into a model. But really, life isn't like that. So it was interesting to study. But when I graduated, I kind of thought it's interesting, I'm happy I learned any, you know, like it helps move my life, but it's not the topic I want to to work in. I mean.
