On a sunny slope, they are the onespoised in the wind, working to take back the wasteland;a member of the mint family, herbaceousand cosmopolitan, but wanting nothing buttransmigration, a cozy existence without misreading life.The sky, so blue, like an abyss one falls intowhen suddenly hitting the brake; only with self-rotationdoes one reach self-discovery: seclusionat least comes with silence, good for grindinga knife until it’s sharper than quick,such as a paring knife, for personal use only —The emblem is there, you suddenly look upand see the sun, like a huge bee,who loves the splendor of the blue flowers.To know who benefits from these, you only need to repeatRimbaud's shout: I is someone else.A deeper echo returns: Trust is mysteriousif the deepest trust can be gainedonly when the other you is left alone in the wilderness臧棣,一九六四年四月生在北京。北京大学文学博士学位。北京大学中国诗歌研究院研究员。现任教于北京大学中文系。出版诗集有《燕园纪事》《宇宙是扁的》《小挽歌丛书》《骑手和豆浆》《最简单的人类动作入门》《沸腾协会》《情感教育入门》等。“中国当代十大杰出青年诗人”“中国十大新锐诗歌批评家”。二〇一七年十月应邀参加美国普林斯顿诗歌节。
Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists
Duck Yard Lyricists is a group of devoted poetry lovers: Meifu Wang, Michael Soper, & Guy Hibbert.
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