Pride and Prejudice
IMDb精选短评:This version of Pride and Prejudice is simply outstanding and excels in essentially every aspect. It is faithful to the book, particularly capturing the spirit of the book and the energy and constant tension of thestory. It excellently portrays the world of the book as it relates to the story, with keen attention to the details of costume, the furniture, etc. Moreover, the actors were on the whole outstanding.
剧透:Emma 家境富有,伶牙俐齿又自命不凡,虽然自己打定主意不结婚,却喜欢给别人当红娘。可每次她都是乱点鸳鸯谱,往往以失败告终,她的朋友Knightley对此极为不满。之后,在两人相处过程中慢慢发现了对方的优点,最后喜结良缘。IMDb精选短评:Brilliant! Everything from the acting, the costumes, storyline, and music was just so superbly done. This version of Emma far surpasses its predecessors. The storyline is very much dictated by the actual book. The actors and actresses really captured the characters in the story.If you are a true Jane Austen fan, you will love this film.
剧透:简·爱出身卑微,家境贫寒,以真挚的情感和高尚的品德赢得了东家罗切斯特的尊敬和爱恋,最终获得幸福。IMDb精选短评:I have seen nearly all the adaptations of Jane Eyre and this is the best in my opinion, not since P AND P have i had this much anticipation for a Sunday nights television.Well done BBC you have done it once again.
Oliver Twist
IMDb精选短评:Roman Polanski's film is an authoritative take on Dickens' classic. It is expertly paced, slowly immersing the viewer into the plight of the young orphan and its predicament in Victorian England. Through a meticulous period reconstruction, superb acting, and effective characterization (all the secondary characters are memorable), the typically Dickensian theme of the survival of Innocence against all odds is dramatized with utter conviction.《德伯家的苔丝》
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
剧透:德伯以软言温存猎获了少女苔丝,但苔丝失身后不愿将错就错,而是坚持追求女人的独立生存、真实爱情和幸福婚姻,但当时狭隘的贞操观念,使得她面临着种种道德障碍,苔丝向这种道德观发起一次次挑战。IMDb精选短评:I read the book as part of my A2-Level English course, and then I saw the mini-series as both my English teacher and best friend recommended it highly. I loved the book, it is one of my favourite Thomas Hardy books, and probably the one I was devastated most by, and yes I have read Jude the Obscure. This mini-series is very evocative and just brilliant, like the book it is sad and it is emotionally devastating, as the book provides a pretty accurate depiction of what happened to servant girls who proved themselves unfaithful during the Victorian Era. The acting, period detail and writing are top-notch, and the mini-series sticks quite closely to the source material.《南方与北方》
North & South
剧透:自小成长于英国南部的玛格丽特,随着家人搬到了北方小镇,北方的纺织厂的厂主约翰桑顿对玛格丽特一见钟情。但不善表达的他似乎在无形中把玛格丽特越推越远。二人如同南方与北方,截然相反但又紧密相连。IMDb精选短评:I'm a history teacher so I'm very critical of adaptations, especially those that sentimentalize the past in any way. This is a superb rendering of the spirit of the industrial age and the many facets of class struggle within it.The BBC is well-known for their meticulous attention to detail with locations and costumes. This is the best historic fiction on screen I've ever seen.
Great Expectations
IMDb精选短评:Fine work of all of the cast relating a story that has been told so many times, that you cannot expect to feel it fresh and deeply touching, but they do. The journey of young Pip from simple kindhearted boy to knowing, kindhearted man is so capturing that, although knowing the story, I couldn't stop asking myself "what will happen at the end". I love Dickens and his way of unfolding his characters, so I was very pleased to see the series keeping close to his book, but in a fresh way suited for the understanding of 21st century audience. I very much recommend!
《锦绣佳人 》
Wives and Daughters
剧透:Molly 和父亲相依为命多年 ,父亲却突然闪电结婚,从此家中多了一个继母和姐姐,继母对她诸多限制,但姐姐美丽又率真,所以Molly和姐姐立刻结成好友.但Molly没想到自己暗恋的人也对姐姐一网情深。心碎的Molly努力掩饰她的失落,却发现继母和 Cynthia似乎隐藏着一段不为人知的过去......
IMDb精选短评:A treasure, really. I enjoy films portraying this period, but this is above all my favorite. The acting is incredibly touching. I was in awe with the portrayal of the story throughout its entirety.This movie reads like an excellent, cozy book. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys excellent acting and reading fine literature.