有声双语阅读 | 牛也是有口音的

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

bovine: related to cows adj. 牛的,关于牛的

accent: the distinctive tone of a spoken language n. 口音, 腔调

herd: a group of some types of animals, such as cows and sheep n. 兽群,畜群

vocalize: to say something out loud vt. 使发成元音;使发声

phenomenon: an extraordinary observance n. 现象

Cows Have Accents

Researchers who study bovine behaviour have recently discovered that cows, like humans, have different regional accents. Cows in a small herd may all sound very similar, while the same species on the other side of the country or in another country may have their own distinct accent. This phenomenon has also been observed in birds. In English, the word used for a cow sound is “moo”. This type of word is onomatopoeic. The naming of the word is based on the sound that the word makes. Words like “boom”, “tweet” and “pop” are all examples of onomatopoeia. In many languages, people use the word “moo” or something very similar to vocalize the sound of a cow. This is not the case for other animals, such as pigs. In English a pig says “oink”, while in other countries it says “boo-boo”, “oof”, or “heh-roo”.

研究牛行为的人员最近发现,奶牛和人类一样,有着不同的地区口音。某一群牛的叫声听起来可能非常相似,而在这个国家另一边或另一个国家的同一种牛可能有他们自己独特的口音。这种现象也在鸟类中被观察到。在英语中,用来表示母牛声音的单词是moo。这种词是拟声词。这个词的命名是基于这个词发出的声音。boom, tweet和pop都是拟声词的例子。在许多语言中,人们使用“哞”这个词来指牛叫声。

