
Poaching for ivory has caused a steep decline in African elephant populations over the past decade .
This crisis has fueled a contentious global debate over which ivory policy would best protect elephants: banning all ivory trade or enabling regulated trade to incentivize and fund elephant conservation.
The deep-seated deadlock on ivory policy consumes valuable resources and creates an antagonistic environment among elephant conservationists.
象牙政策的长期僵局消耗了珍贵的资源,也在大象保育学家们中间建立起一种敌意的气氛。Successful solutions must begin by recognizing the different values that influence stakeholder cognitive frameworks of how actions lead to outcomes ,and therefore their diverging positions on ivory trade.
Based on successful conflict resolution in other areas, we propose an iterative process through which countries with wild elephant populations may be able to understand their differences and develop workable solutions in a less confrontational manner.

Many argue that prohibiting all trade in ivory will reduce poaching and protect elephants.
Stakeholders who support ivory bans also advocate the destruction of ivory stockpiles and steps to reduce demand for ivory.
Kenya and most west and central African countries with wild elephant populations subscribe to this approach.
Critics of the prohibition approach argue that trade bans and stockpile destruction have the perverse effect of increasing the ivory price through perceived scarcity, thereby incentivizing further poaching, and that there is limited evidence of successful demand reduction from these actions.
Trade bans are also difficult to enforce in countries with poor governance, carry high social costs of enforcement, and limit opportunities to use sustainably managed elephant populations and their ivory to generate funds for conservation and community benefits.

An alternative approach proposed for elephant conservation is to allow legal ivory trade through regulated markets, with ivory harvested from animals that die naturally or are killed for other reasons, such as problem animal control.
Revenue from ivory can be used to provide income to rural communities that bear the costs of living with elephants (such as crop raids or attacks on humans), and to fund conservation and development programs.
The southern African countries that advocate this approach—such as South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe—have large elephant populations and lower rates of poaching than other African nations.
Critics of a use-based approach argue that legal sales stimulate demand by implying that purchasing ivory is socially acceptable.
Legalized trade can also facilitate laundering of illegal ivory, particularly in countries with high levels of corruption that would struggle to regulate a legal trade .

We recognize that the politics around ivory policy are challenging, but urge range states to begin a structured process to negotiate the diverse perspectives in this contentious debate as soon as possible, supported by organizations committed to elephant conservation.
我们认识到象牙策略制定的政治是非常具有挑战性的,但是也敦促不同的国家开始在这个持续争论的问题上制定结构化的步骤来谈判人们不同的看法,而这也收到了大象保育组织的支持。Successful navigation of different mental models and the associated values, and the trade-offs they imply, will not only enable greater collective action on elephant conservation, but also provide an example of how to enhance the structured use of evidence in CITES decision-making on other iconic species.