LAC 课程笔记0412|UPenn网红建筑师带你看纽约看名校

在申请3年项目或者是转专业学习建筑的方向上,MArch I毕业的建筑师RAN有她独特的看法。美国高校和英国高校应当如何选择,宾大March I的课程设置讲解,怎样才能更好地利用学校资源……昨天的知识点你有拿小本本记好吗?来跟我们一起回顾一下吧。


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Programs You can APPLY:

a. Master of Architecture Professional Degree (M.Arch.) ( 3 years,29-31 total course units )

Course Sequence:

Summer 1 - 2 course units*

Fall Year 1 - 4.5 course units

Spring Year 1 - 5 course units

Fall Year 2 - 4.5 course units**

Spring Year 2 - 5 course units

Fall Year 3 - 5 course units

Spring Year 3 - 5 course units

* students without an architecture background begin in the summer

**students who receive advanced standing enter in the Year 2

b. Advanced Architectural Design (MSD-AAD)( 1.5 years)

Year 1 - Fall

ARCH 703 MSD- AAD Design Studio  (2 cu)
ARCH 717 Philosophy of Urban History  (1 cu)
ARCH 743 Form and Algorithm  (1 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective I  (1 cu)

Year 1 - Spring

ARCH 704 Design Research Studio  (2 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective II  (1 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective III  (1 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective IV  (1 cu)

Year 2 - Fall

ARCH 705  Design Research Studio  (2 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective V  (1 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective VI  (1 cu)
ARCH XXX Elective VII  (1 cu)

Total Course Units: 15

c. Master of Science in Design with an emphasis in Environmental Building Design (MSD-EBD) ( 1 year )

Semester 1, Fall

751Ecology, Technology, and Design  (1 cu)

752MEBD Research Seminar  (1 cu)

753Building Performance Simulation  (1 cu)

xxxDesignated Elective I  (1 cu)

xxxDesignated Elective II  (1 cu)

Semester 2, Spring

754Performance Design Workshop  (1 cu)

708Bioclimatic Design Studio  (2 cu)

xxxDesignated Elective III  (1 cu)

xxxDesignated Elective IV  (1 cu)


674CPT Intership (Optional)  (0.2 cu)

Semester 3, Fall

709EBD Research Studio  (2 cu)

719History & Theory of Arch & Climate  (1 cu)

Elective I  (1 cu)

Elective II  (1 cu)

Required & Elective Courses:15

d.MS Architecture (M.S.) ( 1 year, 非STEM )

The Master of Science degree, first offered in 1984, is intended for individuals with an undergraduate professional degree in architecture who wish to pursue a self-directed program of study at the advanced level. It enables students to gain a greater understanding of the relationship between the discipline and the profession. A total of ten approved courses are required, including one course in Architectural Theory and an individually directed selection of electives from the Master of Architecture program, and a qualifying exam. This degree is normally completed in one calendar year. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in architecture.

e. Integrated Product Design ( 2 years )


f.Master of City Planning (MCP)


g.Master of Urban Spatial Analytics(MUSA)( 1 year )

The Master of Urban Spatial Analytics is a one year graduate program that teaches students how to use spatial analysis and data science to address the most pressing public policy and city planning conundrums of our day. We are teaching the next generation of civic technologists. The one-year MUSA program combines coursework on GIS, spatial analysis, data science, statistics, R and python programming, data visualization and web-based mapping with world-class urban content coursework from across the University of Pennsylvania. The program is administered jointly by PennDesign and the Penn Institute for Urban Research.

h. Master of Landscape Architecture First Professional Degree (MLA.I)( 3 years )

i. Master of Landscape Architecture Second Professional Degree (MLA.II)( 2 years )


j.Dual degree programs with architecture (MLA/MARCH), city planning (MLA/MCP), historic preservation (MLA/MSHP), fine arts (MLA/MFA) or spatial analytics (MLA/MUSA) are also available. The Master of Landscape Architecture degree may also be combined with PennDesign certificate programs, such as the Urban Design Certificate or the Urban Resilience Certificate. The Department also offers a Certificate in Landscape Studies, designed for students who may wish to augment or focus their prior work through research into landscape topics.

