有声双语阅读 | “&”是如何得到它的英文名的?
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
ampersand /'æmpəsænd/ : a symbol for “et” meaning “and”
cursive: handwriting 手写体;草书
recite: to say 背诵;叙述
per se: by of or in itself; as such 本身
slur: to say words quickly so that they run together 含糊不清地说

Once upon a time, in the 19th century, the ampersand was included in the alphabet. The ampersand originated as a cursive e beside a cursive t, which meant “and” in Latin. When reciting the alphabet in English, it became customary for students to include single letters that were also words. At the end of the alphabet, students would say “X,Y,Z and, per se, & (and)”. Eventually, students slurred that last bit together to create the word “ampersand”. While this custom eventually fell out of use, the ampersand is still used today for stylistic reasons or to write “and” in short form.