post 窃盗癖 Theft mania and 偷窃癖 kleptomania to help victims like me

I am not sure whether i can post the paper here, however when i told my family about steal and return weird things happen in our house frequently none of them believe me some one would steal those not valuable things (same as my spouse). in 2008 we visited family consultant she even wanted me to take depreesion/anxiety medicines. even today my spouse still insist no one would do it without caught for 20+ years. i began suspect whether my spouse has 3rd personality. in the past when i searched on line why the person hurt my fingers, right foot ankle it shown the abuser has very strong controlling desire. when i searched stealing and returned any kind such as medical records, papers i wrote, financial statements, clothings... i cant find answear until this year i read a paper from 360 my libray writer. i chat with relatives and paste it, my sister began believe what i told her. myself when sister inquired why steal my chinese style clothing, mom chinese foods in living room cabinet, not the most valuable such as notebooks, spouse silver coins... but dishes, glasses, tools...., why i never can wake up when the person hurt me?
i cant answear but i did know one of sister (spouse brother-in-law) married a man from asia. my spouse never told me the younger nephew had a chinese girl friend until after we moved here in 2013.
i would say most people knew 小偷,窃盗癖 but not 偷窃癖 who would steal anytrhing and return some(returned A steal B, moving around) to the owner. this is why i want to post the professional articles. because i almost fell apart in 2008 and strong desiring divorce because no one believe me, i went over thru Baidu searching and study our ancestors fortune teller(预测), history... to transfer my focus on the person did to me.
After all i told my sister: you people are very lucky, such weird things never happen to you people.
in baidu search some people asking whether 偷窃癖 is a serial crimes or not. my answear it is crimes, only victims like me wont forgive 偷窃癖 who might be abused or else in their childhood but never admitted/appologized to the victim. because 偷窃癖 could become abuser abused victims like me who try hard to stop and telling 偷窃癖 did.
Certainly if it is my spouse problem i still would work out with him by nurse or psychologist helping, because he let my mom and 2nd brother living with us, and doesnt have drink/drugs... bad habits, but cooerated with me to pay off his huge debts and then saving money for retire life since married.
ps 竊盜癖虐待狂有相同的模式(pattern)?美國病的很嚴重!! (updated in my 360 blog)
6/19/2021 it seems i made a mistake. today just found 窃盗癖 theft mania and 偷窃癖 kleptomania could be different. maybe 窃盗癖 is stealing others while 偷窃癖 could steal spouse even the person himself/herself thingsI(if my spouse has 偷窃癖 and hide in other place not in the house )?

ps  i don't know whether i post professional articles here will cause some trouble so  readers can baidu serach '窃盗癖' and '偷窃癖' which are quite good articles. thanks help me a lot, i have more confidence and don't care relatives ..(including my spouse) who don't believe me what i suffer any more. in 2008 when i talked to the family consultant 1st time my fingers are shaking (颤动) and when i brought chinese small cissor(knife? or else) to show the person stole same type other scissors(? or use knife? or needle-like to hurt me) made consultant scare.

Later all chinese small cissors were stole that i can't cut my finger nails but this year i found the person returned and put on the ground nearby TV(my mom watched TV) table and rusted(my spouse clean it for me, same as the returned clothing he bought for me had mouse or else yellow pea on he washed)

this year we visit nurse i brought some returned items but won't show her the returned a chinese cissor. it is because i have chinese accent and my english is not good, hoping those i showed to nurse can help her understand what i am talking about. i even made photos about my mom clothings were cut and where i hanged in dining room cabinet door knob and where the 2nd clothing i put in 2nd FL clothing room... but i haven't show to the nurse photos i made i think she understood what i told her as i brought mom the 2nd cut clothing to show her. i also showed her the person stabbed not scratch on my left side face near by neck. i told her the person didn't cut me bigger enough so i can report to police. in 2013 my doctor thought weird that i got quite painful in front body different places on different visiting dates.

ps 6/21/2021

sis: 如果 your spouse 要離婚,妳的退路想好了嗎?已經快要七十歲的人,一定要安享老年生活,否則老境堪憐!

me:他曾告訴我其妹夫要與他的妹離婚 因其妹亂花錢才讓她搬來同住一分錢也不付 他以為能像一家人過日子結果發現債越來越多(he can't pay utilities fee, every day i got many calls from utilities company) 而他是外人 才開始找老婆 他告訴我他不可能再結婚也試圖改善 比如冰箱食物不再調包 他要求我不要懷疑他與第三者有關或幫第三人來 而他也不會很憤怒 whenever i told him what i saw(stole, returned items)

我們目前每星期四與護士談(護士有請假ㄧ次)我告訴 spouse 護士說無法幫忙因為各說各話雙方沒有協調退讓意圖 可能下星期是最後一次機會

目前 senior appartment 無收入限制最低價$2195元且需等待有人退租 他不願 找旅館是$50/天 但我願支付 senior appartment $2500/月 對他比較安全 最近我看到 stolen 手機在一星期還來(是不是至少一星期來兩次?)電池已受損 when it returned battery down to 5%. my spouse verified what i said and indeed battery below 20% would be damaged.

我把偷竊癖(還A偷B)及竊盜癖專家發表文章中英文印出 及有關其小外甥老婆的哥

星期四交給護士參考 我們應該會繼續找心理醫生如果護士終止

百度收尋 幫我渡過2008-2009年看家庭顧問最壞情況 之後研讀古人預測及歷史 小說等轉移注意力

今年先是360個人圖書館有文章附在我的blog 因而查看到完整偷竊癖文章 非常感謝百度及360圖書館 對於離婚及未來 我已不再害怕

spouse 知道我不會偷走他所有的錢及房子 我是他唯一交往的女性沒要他花錢買這買那

